Trouble for Libra: go to the Facebook Coin, the Partner? – Blue eye for the Block.One: 24 million penalty for the EOS-sale – Principality of goes Blockchain: Liechtenstein adopted the Blockchain-law – XRP for Apps: Xpring Development Kit released – Bullish Bayern BayernLB investigated the hardness of Bitcoins.

By Christopher clover
6. October 2019BTC$8.156,03 3.38%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Bitcoin & the Blockchain-News: The most Important thing in BTC-ECHO Newsflash

Libra: skepticism among partners, the launch of The Facebook is growing

currency Libra remains uncertain. While the plans for the introduction of a global currency, Politicians and regulators encounter in the world of resistance, seems to spread even under the Libra-partners of skepticism. From insider sources, the message will urge that, among other things, Visa and Mastercard to reconsider her commitment. Pay Pal has adopted, however, entirely from the project.

Xpring development kit: XRP for Apps

The digital Asset XRP has been positioned primarily as a „banking Coin“ for the settlement of international transactions in the post. The recently published Xpring Development Kit has published the Californian FinTech Ripple now, however, the programming tools, to facilitate an Integration of XRP and the inter-Ledger-Protocol in (d)Apps. Especially in the area of Micro-transactions Ripple erfhofft the establishment of the XRP Ecosystem.

EOS will pay 24 million US dollars in comparison with SEC

Even before the heavy-weights of the US stock market regulator, the SEC, in their campaign against Inital Coin Offering does not stop. This week, it met with a Block.One, the company behind the crypto-currency EOS, The SEC categorizes the billions of EOS ICO as a sale of registered securities. Block.One has stated that it is in an out-of-court agreement to pay a settlement amount of 24 million US dollars ready.

Liechtenstein paves the way for the Token-Economy [display] buy Bitcoin with the Bitwala account. Why have a Bank account with Bitwala? A Bank account is “Made in Germany” with protection of deposits up to 100,000 euros; 24/7 Bitcoin trading with faster liquidity; trading only ‘real’ Bitcoin has no financial derivatives such as CFDs; Secure users of lift-off control of the Bitcoin Wallet and the private key; With the contactless Debit Mastercard worldwide, and pay.

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The Liechtenstein Parliament adopted on Thursday the progressive Blockchain-law, which is to take effect in 2020, the putting into force. Among other things, the act contains a comprehensive legal framework for the Tokenization of the ownership claims of all kinds.

BayernLB: Bitcoin is a „ultra-hard money,“

Bullish tones of unusual side were, however, of the Bayerische Landesbank. This has compared in a study of the Stock-to-Flow ratio of Gold. Conclusion: Bitcoin is designed as an „ultra-hard money,“ which will replace in coming years, Gold as the hardest currency. In addition, the study finds a Hodlern already well-known connection between price and Stock-to-Flow ratio. There is a connection, after the may upcoming halving of Mining Rewards would not be still priced in.


regulatory-ECHO: Liechtenstein Soft on Blockchain regulatory-ECHO: Blockchain-Nation, Germany, the Bundesrat is necessary to create clarity in Bitcoin regulation – The regulatory-ECHO#view-ECHO#regulatory-Echo