The Mainstream adaptation of Bitcoin & co. can hardly be better observed, than at the proliferation of automatic teller machines (ATM). The US is leading the list of Nations. The biggest Bitcoin ATM network by the name of Theboss has reached a milestone of 1000 machines distributed all over the country. How Bitcoin transcends borders.

Max Halder
20. July 2019BTC$10.567,00 1.27%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The eye is probably the most dominant sense, the man has. This has seen something with your own eyes, it is part of his personal reality. The written word, the press release of the company or the graphical processing of the Bitcoin-rate this reality of power is missing. But what if you can buy at any corner of Bitcoin? This goal has set Chris Yim, CEO Theboss, for the US-American space.

According to a report from the press Agency. PRWeb Theboss has reached a milestone. The cooperation with the Desert ATM, a Bank-independent ATM operators, read to grow the Grumly-network to more than 1,000 machines.

It was a natural development of what we started almost five years ago. […] Our goal is to make Bitcoin every corner of the USA. There are more than 100,000 ATM, which are not operated by banks. We hope that you will [soon] buy on every single Theboss Bitcoin,

Chris Yim said.

How Bitcoin limits

overcome Even if the US has with more than 3,000 Bitcoin ATMs in country comparison by a nose – the Rest of the world sleeps. As you can see on the Tracking home page , is now in 80 countries around the world, at least one ATM. Once in Germany there were always problems with the set Up, we are now with 38 machines at rank 15. Much can be inferred from the distribution of the machines. States from the Orient to the Occident are involved in capitalist economic systems, as well as Communist-influenced, corrupt and less corrupt governed countries, States, with all the religious influences, countries on every continent and island States, in short: all over the world.

We are excited by the demand and enthusiasm that is brought to us by the ATM operators, contrary to. You thirst for a scalable, consistent and cost-effective bitcoin solution,

so Yim more.

We are looking forward to cooperate with you [the ATM operators], the asset value add that we believe that he will be the most exciting, fastest-growing product in the coming decades. And, not least, the future of money,

added his colleague Marcus Herrera.

No other company offers such a simple solution“

The Boston-based company, operates the network to which it belongs, now, almost a third of ATM in the United States. A beautiful success story for a first-five-year-old company. Also, the business partners are impressed by the simplicity of the solution of Theboss. Dan Laitala, head of the Desert ATM:

We looked at several solutions. One of these was in the idea to open our own Cash-to-Bitcoin kiosks (BTMs). When we tested the solution of Theboss, the matter was quite quickly clear. No other company offers such a simple […] solution. We already had a successful ATM business, but with [Theboss], we were able to add without much effort, almost with a click, a purchase option for Bitcoin.


If we now make a walk through Germany’s cities – Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Munich and many more – will prove to us our eyes more and more often, that Bitcoin has become part of the reality. This reality has manifested itself in more than 40 percent of the countries in the world.


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