According to one study, two-thirds see U.S. investors, the risk of an economic recession. In the process, Millennials, Bitcoin & co. see, apparently, as an additional investment in times of crisis. A hook in the study, however.

By Phillip Horch
11. September 2019BTC$10.009,41 -2.03%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Millennials, children of the ’80s and‘ 90s, Bitcoin, Ripple, IOTA, and their ilk see as an Investment to protect against a threat of recession. The findings of a study carried out by the Investment platform of EToro. It shall, furthermore, that those investors, who fear a recession, flirt with it, a portion of their shares in safe havens, such as, for example, Commoditys, real estate, or crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin to convert.

recession as a result of the US trade war?

reported How the company, it is mainly the ongoing trade war between the US and China, and conflicts with Mexico, the exaggerated, the fears of investors. In the choice of the „safe Harbor“ however, there were differences between the generations. Accordingly, Generation X (1965-1979) have a preference for Commoditys, so raw materials, agricultural products, and standardized capital goods.

Millennials Bitcoin & co. see as an attractive Investment

40 percent of the surveyed Millennials tend to be, according to the EToro currencies rather Crypto – you would invest in times of crisis in Bitcoin & co. Half of the younger Generation Z (after 1995) would, however, tend rather in the direction of Real Estate.

Moreover, most of the concerned investors was interested in only (breakage)to acquire parts of assets. 82 per cent of the concerned investors would be keen to acquire parts of land, 68 percent have an interest in music rights.

the crux of The study

The EToro, a study must take a critical eye to note. Finally, the platform conducted a study among users who were already on their platform. In addition, in the case of the 1,000 respondents to the American EToro users. And here, too, only for a very short period of time, the study took place between the 18. and 31. July.

Nevertheless, the respondents EToro users out there with their concerns of an economic recession are not alone. So, too, economic expert Nouriel Roubini warns of a pending recession for the coming year. Whether or not he would, however, prefer to use Bitcoin as an alternative Asset, remains however questionable.


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