the Binance is a new Feature. With the ability to open multiple Sub-Accounts, wants to prepare the Bitcoin-exchange-awaited to long institutional investors. Whether attracting the cops?

By Phillip Horch
6. December 2018 share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Institutional investors are traded in the promise of Salvation in the Bitcoin Community. Whether or not Bitcoin Futures, or even Bitcoin ETF – the „Big Player“ to finally rinse the money in the coffers, so it should come also to the increase of the course. Even if the technical analyses currently speak another language, preparing the players in the industry are confident that the large coal still (or again?) in the crypto-market.

Only on 5. In December, we reported about the fact that Xolaris with a Private Equity Fund with the opportunity to invest in the Mining of crypto-currencies. Minimum: 250,000 euros, the maximum issue volume: 30 million Euro. At current rates, the entry is not, so the founding team can be rewarding. But that will change soon. It smells a bit like a COP.

Binance expects institutional Bitcoin investors

In a very similar picture Binance beats now. The Bitcoin exchange announced on 6. December, in a blog post, your „long-awaited“ Sub-Account Feature. Accordingly, it is possible in the future, and up to 200 Sub-Accounts under a Master Account. In addition, a better Tracking of the activities was not possible; data, such as Login history, Order Management, or Asset Management, you can keep now the better eye.

The special feature: The Sub-Account Feature is only available for users with VIP-Level 3 and for available to corporate customers. So Binance prepares to institutional investors. To Wei Zhou to the Block:

“We see an increase of institutional Accounts in the [crypto-]Space and assume that the institutional demand will revive in the coming months. One of our priorities is to provide a platform that supports both the needs of these customers as well as our private customers.”

If the cops are to be trusted, then finally again in front of the door, of course remains to be seen. Nevertheless, in Spite of all the bear smell, you think you feel a bullishes breeze.