the The Bitcoin adaptation is progressing in Argentina, and finds a practical Use Case in the public sector. So the users of buses and metro railway you can get your Tickets now with the crypto currency number One and pay.

Tanja Giese
8. February 2019BTC$3.518,74 3.38%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Loyal readers not to read for the first Time: in Order to survive the current bear market, must be driven the adoption of Bitcoin & co. Crucial, especially use options for the masses, so crypto currencies may find their way into the Mainstream. Argentina makes now, as a sensible Use Case can look like.

Revolutionary technology for the masses

if you want to use in Argentina, the public transport, you need what is called a SUBE card, which works on the Prepaid model. The ticket cards can be recharged at metro stations, in national lottery shops and some kiosks with automated Terminals with credit. At 37 sites in Argentina, including the capital of Buenos Aires, can be charged, the ticket now also with Bitcoin. A collaboration of the Alto Viaje, the company, the SUBE is offering the cards, and the FinTech company Bitex makes it possible. By the General population is given the opportunity to pay for your subway and bus rides with the crypto-currency, contributing to Argentina is crucial to Mainstream adaptation. As the leading Medium of the Spanish-speaking Blockchain and crypto-Community on 6. February reported, said the CMO of Bitex, Manuel Beaudroit:

We are of the opinion that this type of project is of great importance, because it brings the ordinary people a technology that is as revolutionary as Bitcoin, and the true value, and the applications in everyday life are demonstrated.

Bitcoin instead of Inflation

For Alto Viaje the design of a simple charging at the top. So far, the company only accepted PayPal payments. Through the cooperation with Bitex now, but also, Bitcoin can be offered-charges in a secure and tested infrastructure. Alto-Viaje-Director, Luciano Verardo, explains the Motivation behind this step:

We want to offer safe and innovative services, the Alliance with Bitex allows us to integrate payments with Bitcoin and the new ways of financial inclusion.

Bitex does not occur for the first Time, to the point of the adaptation driver. Because the company has already worked with the Argentine Banco Masventas to cross-border payments with Bitcoin. As a result, the Bank was one of the first payment service provider, use Bitcoin to streamline the international payment traffic.

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It is assumed that the Argentines will accept the offer with thanks. Currently, the country is in a financial crisis and the inflation rate is a big Problem. As in many of the inflation-ridden countries, more and more citizens have crypto-currencies as a means of preserving their wealth. This is also in recent months, the increase in the number of Bitcoin ATMs shows in the country.

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