the Germany is the Bitcoin country. For quite some time, Germany is on the list of the countries where users run the most Full Nodes, the second place. Stock.

On the 25. January 2019BTC$3.554,66 0.14%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

the promise of Who the Bitcoins value really takes seriously, you should run a Full Node. Because only those who confirmed with their own computer performance of propagated blocks, can be sure that the network is not violated the integrity and Bitcoin follows all the rules implemented.

As can be seen by a quick Search on however, easy is in this country extremely hard, with regard to the operation of Bitcoin nodes. In fact, Germany is on the global ranking of the Top Full-Node countries. Only in the United States Bitcoin users have more Nodes than in this country.

This can be seen from the Snapshots, the Bitnodes created on a regular basis. The list looks as follows (as of Friday, 25. January 2019):

United States of America, 2.499 Nodes (24,54%), Germany, 1.949 Nodes (19,14%), France, 681 Nodes (6,69%), the Netherlands, 483 Nodes (4,74%), China, 402 Nodes (3.95 per cent)Canada, 395 (3.88%)> <p, The Bitcoin network to secure a total of 10.185 Full Nodes. How to recognize in the list you can easily see, are citizens of the West especially busy Full-Node operators. You summed up the Top 4 of the list above (U.S. plus EU countries), it already reached a share of 55 percent.

In the Western hemisphere, a certain amount of concentration takes place.

In the West nothing New

As can be further seen in the following graphic, there is in the distribution structure of the Bitcoin nodes with little fluctuation. Although the absolute number of long-term increases; the proportional distribution, however, has so far remained similar.

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distribution of Bitcoin Full Nodes by country. Development over the last two years.

In the Overview, the situation looks as follows:

Accessible Bitcoin Full Nodes on the world map.Full-Node even one

if you think about it, to pay for a little more decentralization in the network, for we have listed here the technical conditions, which should provide the computer.

For running a Full Node should satisfy your machine with the following Specs:

200 GB of hard drive space with a write speed of at least 100 MB/s2 GB RAMBreitbandinternet with a minimum of 50 Kilobytes per second in upload, an Internet flat rate on your mood, to leave your own PC running 24/7 (bedroom as a Full-Node-location to be unsuitable)

This list is intended to initially serve only as a guide, whether running a Full Node would be out of the question. You can answer Yes to this question, so please refer to this Guide. There you will find all the relevant information for running a Full Node.

The Bitcoin Core Wallet functions also as a Full Node and can be downloaded here.