Van Eck/SolidX bring according to media reports, a limited Version of the Bitcoin ETFs already this Thursday. May invest, however, only institutional investors such as hedge funds and banks.

3. September 2019BTC$10.603,44 7.15%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

asks the US securities and exchange Commission SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) understand the need for repeated extensions of time in relation to the regulation of Bitcoin ETFs, the power of the free market, what he does best: He finds the back door. Because, as the financial magazine Wall Street Journal today, Tuesday, the 3. September, reported, want VanEck start this Thursday with the sale of its Bitcoin ETF. Attentive readers will ask: How can that be? Finally, the SEC had postponed the decision, whether an index Fund is to the crypto currency no. 1 approval or not, only in August.

this has changed, however, nothing. Therefore, VanEck will be this Thursday, according to reports, a „limited Version“ of Exchange Traded Funds out. In accordance with the contents of the report VanEck is likely to sell certificates of this stripped-down ETF, and then only to institutional investors, such as hedge funds or banks. Private investors have dominated the Bitcoin market to date, would be excluded in reverse.

it is Possible the surprising makes u-turn, the so-called „Rule 144A“. This constitutes an exception to the rule, that the Securities registered first, and therefore the SEC must be approved. For securities, the company emit 144A, exclusively to institutions. It is assumed that these are in terms of the risk assessment, trained as a private investor and, therefore, have less consumer protection, shall require.

Public Bitcoin ETF is not yet

– approved a public ETF, U.S. investors are waiting as before. But at least it will be this Thursday, a new regulated Bitcoin financial product on the US securities markets. The „VanEck ETF Lite“ could serve as a kind of test run for a public Bitcoin ETF. Finally, the sec hit for quite some time, obstacles such as lack of security and unreliable price indices. If VanEck can roll out its limited Version successfully and is likely to be collected, the company of good arguments for a final approval of the SolidX Bitcoin ETF.

On an approval for a Bitcoin ETF in the hopes of Hodlern unite for some time and will soon Reach all-time highs. Finally, it is argued, would rinse a regulated financial product like an index Fund large amounts of capital in the markets.

The final decision for a public BTC ETF falls on the 13. October.

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