
Zusammenhalt in Europa und Haar: VHS-Dialog mit Bürgermeister und Gemeinderäten

Haar – On invitation from the Volkshochschule, Haar’s mayor and council members discussed the benefits and improvements in the EU and locally. The upcoming European election’s significance for the cohesion of European countries, as well as specifically for Haar, was deliberated by Mayor Andreas Bukowski (CSU), Deputy Mayor Ulrich Leiner (Greens), and SPD faction leader Thomas Fäth.

Mayor Bukowski emphasized the importance of cohesion in the community, which is a microcosm of the EU due to its diverse population. Deputy Mayor Leiner metaphorically highlighted the need for „beer tents and cash“ to foster this cohesion. Various organizations, institutions, clubs, and associations contribute to the necessary social cohesion in Haar, bringing people together and promoting tolerance while discouraging selfishness.

VHS Director Lourdes María Ros de Andrés emphasized that lack of participation and loneliness could lead to authoritarian attitudes and conspiracy theories, highlighting the need for financial support for these organizations. Fäth stressed the importance of unity and creating spaces for community engagement. Despite occasional disagreements, unity within the council and the community is essential for progress.

In terms of Europe, the rise of anti-democratic parties underscores the need to fight for democracy and a united Europe. Economic interdependence is crucial for European countries to thrive globally, as demonstrated by the Brexit fallout. Collaboration within Europe is essential to counter global powers like China, Russia, and America. Populism offers rhetoric without solutions, making a united European army necessary to assert boundaries effectively.

Addressing migration and restoring trust in the EU are key to countering right-wing populism. The shared prosperity, freedom, and achievements facilitated by Europe often go unnoticed amidst negative portrayals. It is imperative for Haar residents to participate in the upcoming election and uphold democratic values.

As the dialogue concluded, the consensus among the participants was clear: a united Europe is essential for prosperity, peace, and progress. By emphasizing the positive aspects of European integration and encouraging democratic participation, Haar’s leaders aim to strengthen cohesion both locally and across the continent.