
Von Autobahnbrücke in Dresden abgeseilt: Nötigung oder überzogene Sperrung?

The A4 had to be fully closed for several hours as part of an action by climate activists. The trial against them is ongoing and aims to determine whether the action should be classified as a gathering or as coercion. This could prove costly for the perpetrators.

Two men rappelled from the A4 bridge in Dresden – they are now facing court for their protest.
© Roland Halkasch

Dresden. The action was certainly spectacular: Several individuals in November 2020 hung a large banner on a highway bridge in Dresden. „Traffic transition instead of climate crisis,“ read the inscription. Then, two men rappelled from the highway bridge, hanging about a meter below the bridge. As a result, five individuals have been facing trial at the Dresden District Court for a while. On Friday, the trial resumed. Here are the key questions and answers regarding the process.

**What exactly happened at the highway bridge?**