
Ghostbusters Reboot: A Surprisingly Enjoyable Fantasy Cult Reinvention

Since its announcement, the Ghostbusters reboot has faced heavy criticism, but it has ultimately turned out to be much better than many fans of the original cult classic feared. The excitement was considerable when the reboot was announced, primarily because the old guard from the 1980s was no longer in the lead roles. Instead, the new Ghostbusters brings a fresh spin to the beloved franchise – and it’s far superior to its reputation. You can see for yourself on TV today.

Plot of Ghostbusters

In New York, the ghosts are causing trouble once again. Thirty years after the events of the past, four entirely new individuals are faced with the sinister invasion. This time around, Erin Gilbert (Kristen Wiig), Abby Yates (Melissa McCarthy), Jillian Holtzmann (Kate McKinnon), and Patty Tolan (Leslie Jones) step into the shoes of the original ghostbusters. They receive support from Kevin (Chris Hemsworth), who at least does his best.

After some initial difficulties and minor ghostly encounters, the new ghostbusters quickly find themselves facing a big challenge. A misunderstood janitor is building machines to attract ghosts, but things take a turn for the worse when a particularly nasty ghost starts possessing people.

The Rebirth of Ghostbusters

For those who have no issue with change or female leads, this film offers plenty of entertainment. Yes, the old generation of ghostbusters has been replaced, but no, that doesn’t automatically make the movie bad. On the contrary, it’s refreshing to see four incredibly funny women take charge in this reboot – along with the equally entertaining sidekick, Chris Hemsworth.

The spectacle isn’t just funny; it’s also thrilling and visually impressive. So, if you’re looking for a light-hearted and highly entertaining evening program, this film is a perfect choice.

Similar fantasy fun was available on Apple TV, but unfortunately, we have some bad news for fans: after 43 years of waiting for this fantasy return, it was canceled after just one season.

Where to Watch Ghostbusters

You can catch the spooky fantasy comedy on VOX this Saturday, September 21st, at 8:15 pm. The repeat broadcast will be on Sunday at 2:50 pm.

Of course, the film is also available for streaming. You can rent it for free on MagentaTV or watch it in the streaming flat-rate subscription on WOW. Additionally, it’s available on demand on platforms like Amazon.

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