
Trade Desk stock rose above its 20-day moving average on June 12, 2024, reaching 90.00 EUR. The stock has been in a long-term upward trend since March 18, 2024, gaining 27.97% in value during this period. Currently, the distance from the 200-day moving average is +23.21%.

The Trade Desk is part of the investment universe of’s Trendinvestor Technology Stocks, whose model portfolio has gained an average of 25.8% p.a. in the retrospective calculation since 1999. The latest model portfolio recommendations for Monday will be released on Saturday. You can now get to know the Trendinvestor Technology Stocks from and request online access here.

The Trade Desk stock is now in short-term, medium-term, and long-term upward trends as the price crossed the 20-day moving average yesterday. However, the clarity of the upward trends in all time frames is not yet certain, as the price is only 3.14% above the 20-day moving average at 87.26, which was also just crossed yesterday.

Currently, the The Trade Desk stock is at a new 24-month high.

The strongest stock in the peer group comparison is currently Teradyne with a 40.02% distance from the 200-day moving average.

In the long-term comparison, The Trade Desk stock has been on the market since September 26, 2016, and has gained 3417% in this period. However, a complete ten-year history is a prerequisite for inclusion in the circle of the 100 most successful and safest stocks in the world according to performance analysis. Therefore, The Trade Desk is not a candidate for the BCDI indices, funds, and asset management, deliberately excluding values that are currently riding on „trend waves“. The presents you with long-term successful investment alternatives, which you can now request for free and without obligation.

Rosenheim’s investment philosophy states that every portfolio should be structured like a pyramid, with a broad foundation that tapers upward.