
ÖFB President Mitterdorfer Highlights Vienna as Top Priority in Stadium Issue – Update by ÖFB Boss

The positive performances of the Austrian national team and their qualification for the European Championship have sparked hopes within the ÖFB to address the issue of a new national stadium. According to ÖFB President Klaus Mitterdorfer, Vienna remains the leading location in this discussion.

For a while now, there has been talk about rebuilding the Happel Stadium.

The ÖFB is eager to capitalize on the momentum generated prior to the European Championship in Germany regarding the stadium issue. President Klaus Mitterdorfer aims to establish the project on a broad basis. „I’m not sure if the term ’national stadium‘ is the right approach,“ said the Carinthian to APA. A multifunctional arena should be available for various sports besides football. Despite recent efforts from other states, Vienna remains a „priority“ for the ÖFB.

Regarding the future of the Ernst Happel Stadium, there is an „intensive exchange of ideas“ happening with various partners. Mitterdofer stated, „This extends to the cost issue. In the end, someone will have to pay. We all need to be on board; otherwise, it won’t be feasible, and we’ll keep talking about it for another 17 years. That’s not the goal.“ He envisions a solution involving one-third from the government and the city of Vienna, along with a private investor as a financial backer.

Potential Benefits for Other Sports

Mitterdorfer currently sees a political willingness to „create something.“ However, national elections are also approaching in the fall. „Regardless, it should be in everyone’s interest to have a modern, multifunctional stadium for sports – no matter the coalition that emerges,“ stated the association’s president. „We want to have a non-partisan position politically. It’s about sports – and not just football, but also other sports that deserve it.“

Mitterdorfer did not provide a specific answer regarding which other sports would find a new home in the arena. „I’m not an expert, but there’s the possibility of altering stands. This applies to both winter and summer sports. It depends on feasibility and affordability.“ Many different sports federations are involved in the „thought process“ with the city of Vienna.

„We should think big,“ said Mitterdorfer. „I need everyone on board, including concert organizers, event planners, and investors. That’s much smarter than having a national stadium only for football.“ The ÖFB team should not only be seen in Vienna. There are beautiful stadiums in Linz, Salzburg, or Klagenfurt where the national team will play its first two home games against Kazakhstan (October 10) and Norway (October 13) after the European Championship.

A Successful European Championship Could Be Key

Mitterdorfer welcomed the recent proposals from Burgenland and Styria to host a national stadium. Last week, he had a meeting with Styrian Governor Christopher Drexler (ÖVP), who suggested Premstätten near Graz as a possible location. „There’s still no clear concept of how it should look,“ said Mitterdorfer. However, at the meeting, Sturm Graz President Christian Jauk, GAK Chairman Rene Ziesler, and Hartberg President Brigitte Annerl were present at his request. The stadium issue is a major topic for all three Styrian Bundesliga clubs.

„In the overall stadium situation, the support from the states is beneficial to us,“ explained Mitterdorfer. „But because we’re already engaged in an intensive exchange of ideas, the Ernst Happel Stadium remains our priority.“ A successful European Championship could provide the crucial push needed to kickstart the project. „I am convinced that a stadium could give a boost to the entire sports sector internationally – but of course, also to football.“