
The Ukrainian President, Selenskyj, visited Saudi Arabia and was welcomed by Crown Prince bin Salman. During their meeting, they discussed preparations for the Ukraine Conference in Switzerland this weekend. It was not mentioned whether Saudi Arabia will send a delegation to Switzerland. The Saudi Kingdom is trying to maintain a neutral position in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, as Russia has not been invited to the conference.

In the meantime, the US announced the finalization of a bilateral security agreement with Ukraine. The agreement is set to be signed by US President Biden and President Selenskyj at the G7 Summit in Italy tomorrow. This agreement aims to provide long-term support to Ukraine, including the delivery of weapons.

The news was broadcast on Deutschlandfunk on June 12, 2024.

As tensions continue to rise in the region, the visit of President Selenskyj to Saudi Arabia highlights the importance of international cooperation in addressing security challenges. The discussions between the Ukrainian President and the Saudi Crown Prince signify a commitment to finding diplomatic solutions to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

The upcoming Ukraine Conference in Switzerland serves as a platform for key stakeholders to come together and discuss potential pathways to peace. The participation of various countries, including the US and Saudi Arabia, demonstrates a collective effort to support Ukraine in its quest for stability and security.

The bilateral security agreement between the US and Ukraine signifies a significant step towards enhancing Ukraine’s defense capabilities. By ensuring long-term support and the provision of military equipment, the agreement aims to bolster Ukraine’s ability to defend itself against external threats.

Overall, the developments surrounding President Selenskyj’s visit to Saudi Arabia and the upcoming Ukraine Conference underscore the importance of international collaboration in promoting peace and security. As global leaders come together to address the challenges facing Ukraine, there is a renewed sense of optimism for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.