
Rossini Amberg now offers ice cream for dogs. The owners Lukas Schwab and Tamara Troglauer have created this special treat using ingredients that are safe for dogs. They hope to prevent dog owners from giving regular ice cream to their pets.

The dog in the picture seems to enjoy the dog ice cream from Rossini. Image: Lena Stengl/exb

Lukas Schwab and Tamara Troglauer have been offering ice cream for dogs at Rossini in Amberg for some time now. „It even tastes good on a baguette,“ Schwab says. The flavor they offer is cottage cheese-liverwurst. While it may sound like a funny marketing gimmick for an ice cream shop to sell dog ice cream, there is actually a serious reason behind it. „Because of our location near the city moat, we have many people passing by with their dogs every day. It was only natural for us to start selling dog ice cream,“ he explains. The problem arose when there was no dog ice cream available. Some of the dog owners would not only buy ice cream for themselves but also for their dogs. „They would sometimes buy their dogs three scoops of vanilla or yogurt ice cream,“ Schwab says. It doesn’t take a veterinarian to know that large amounts of sugary vanilla ice cream are not good for dogs. „We wanted to do something about that. Those are ingredients that a dog may not necessarily tolerate well,“ Schwab adds.

According to Schwab, Rossini is already a favorite spot for dog owners. „About 80 percent of our staff members have dogs.“ This made them the perfect test group to try out the dog ice cream. „They gave it to their dogs, and it was very well-received.“ Dogs and dining seem to go hand in hand. „We have gained some regular guests on the terrace who sit down, have a coffee, and buy ice cream for their dogs,“ Schwab notes. The key is that the dog ice cream now contains ingredients that are safe for dogs. „There is nothing in it that would be harmful to dogs. No sugar, no preservatives.“

Since Schwab has discovered the world of dog ice cream, he is already working on new flavors. „We want to make a flavor with pureed fish. It will also be based on cottage cheese. We will also introduce a vegan option for dogs because there are dogs that are fed a vegan diet.“

Overall, the introduction of dog ice cream at Rossini in Amberg is a thoughtful and innovative way to cater to the needs of dog owners while ensuring the well-being of their furry companions. With a variety of flavors in the works, it’s clear that the team at Rossini is dedicated to providing unique and safe treats for dogs in the community.