
The Berlin CDU faction is pushing for restrictions on the sale and use of laughing gas. They plan to urge the Senate to launch a corresponding initiative in the Bundesrat. The aim is to regulate the sale of nitrous oxide to protect children and teenagers from potentially harmful misuse, as stated in a motion that the faction will discuss and approve at their upcoming retreat over the weekend.

The number of abuse cases involving laughing gas by children and teenagers is on the rise. Surveys show that it is one of the most commonly consumed drugs among students. The gas is readily available and inexpensive, argue the CDU members.

The CDU faction highlights the increasing number of people with problematic consumption patterns across Europe and in Germany. Abuse poses the risk of significant health damage, with many dozens of deaths occurring annually across Europe. They are considering whether regulation should be done through the Youth Protection Act or the New Psychoactive Substances Act. Alternatives, such as sales and possession bans following the example of other European countries, may be more effective, as supported by the Bundestag’s Petitions Committee in its recommendation on June 12 calling for a sales ban to individuals under 18 years old.