
Allegations of Racist Chants at Young Union Party in Mönchengladbach Spark Investigation

Reports suggest that racist slogans were chanted at a Young Union Christmas party in Mönchengladbach to the tune of „L’amour toujours“. The public prosecutor’s office is currently conducting an investigation.

According to a media report, at a Young Union Christmas party in 2023, the racist slogan „Germany for Germans, foreigners out“ was reportedly chanted to the song by Gigi D’Agostino.

Following these allegations, the public prosecutor’s office has initiated investigations. When asked, the public prosecutor’s office confirmed a report by the Rheinische Post. It was reported that at a Young Union Christmas party last year, the racist slogans „Germany for Germans, foreigners out“ were chanted to the tune of Gigi D’Agostino’s song. The public prosecutor’s office is now investigating several suspects for suspected incitement to hatred, according to a spokesperson for the public prosecutor’s office.

The investigations have been ongoing for several months, and the spokesperson did not provide further details about the suspects. The police file has been handed over to the public prosecutor’s office, and investigations are still ongoing. The public prosecutor’s office will examine the facts „in terms of facts and legal aspects“.

The chairman of the CDU in Mönchengladbach, Jochen Klenner, informed the district executive committee, as reported by the Rheinische Post. „Following reports from attendees of the event, the CDU district association immediately reacted and involved the police,“ said a statement from the CDU Mönchengladbach, provided to the news agency dpa. In consultation with the state security service, the party refrained from making public statements at that time to avoid influencing the investigation.

Recently, a video caused nationwide outrage, showing a group of young people at a party in Sylt chanting racist slogans „Foreigners out“ and „Germany for Germans“ to the song by Gigi D’Agostino. Since then, numerous other incidents have come to light.