
Jens Spahn Criticizes Economic Policy of Ampel Government

In a recent Bundestag debate on the budget of the Ministry of Economics, Deputy Faction Leader Jens Spahn from the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) launched a scathing attack on the ruling Ampel government’s economic policies. Spahn accused the government of turning a country that was experiencing growth into one plagued by recession and stagnation.

Spahn emphasized that during the tenure of the Ampel government, the only things on the rise were insolvencies and unemployment rates, while the German economy was shrinking. He directly addressed Economics Minister Robert Habeck from the Green Party, stating, „From your green economic miracle has emerged a blue wonder of decline and recession. This is the state of the country after three years of the Ampel government.“

Union Blames Ampel Government for Economic Weakness

The Union, represented by Jens Spahn, held the Ampel government responsible for the weakened state of the German economy. Spahn pointed out that the Union had handed over a country experiencing growth, only for the Ampel government to transform it into one facing recession and stagnation. He reiterated that this was the core issue during the government’s term.

Spahn’s criticism was met with a counterattack from Economics Minister Robert Habeck, who accused the Union of undermining future technologies such as E-mobility, heat pumps, and green hydrogen. Habeck attributed the demand weakness in Germany and Europe to the opposition’s failure to support previously agreed-upon policies now being implemented.

Debate on Economic Growth Package

During the debate, Habeck urged the Union not to obstruct the planned growth package for the economy in the Bundesrat. The proposed measures could potentially unleash a growth potential of half a percentage point, a significant boost considering the current economic challenges. Habeck called on the Union to support these initiatives and encouraged discussions on additional ideas to further enhance economic growth.

The discussion revolved around the budget for the Ministry of Economics for the upcoming year, with the government allocating 10.26 billion euros – a decrease of around 800 million euros from the current year. Additionally, there are plans for further program expenditures totaling nearly 35 billion euros from the Climate and Transformation Fund, which operates alongside the core budget.

Overall, the exchange between the Union and the Ampel government highlighted the contrasting views on economic policies and strategies to stimulate growth and combat recession. The debate underscored the importance of cooperation and innovative approaches in addressing the economic challenges facing Germany.