
At the beginning of the year, farmers in the Allgäu region protested against the policies of the federal government. They wanted to draw attention to their plight. But has anything changed for them since then?

The farmers were promised by the government that bureaucracy would be reduced and their work would be made easier. However, two farmers from the Allgäu region shared their views on whether this promise has been fulfilled.

One farmer expressed skepticism, saying, „I no longer believe in bureaucracy reduction.“ He feels that not much has changed since the protests earlier this year. The other farmer also shared similar sentiments, stating that while the government made promises, the reality on the ground has not improved significantly for them.

Despite the protests and demands for change, it seems that the situation for farmers in the Allgäu region has not seen significant improvements. The farmers are still facing challenges and are waiting for real changes to be implemented to make their work easier and more sustainable.

It is clear that more needs to be done to address the concerns of farmers and ensure that they receive the support they need to thrive. The government’s promises must be followed through with concrete actions that benefit the farmers and help them overcome the obstacles they face in their daily work. Only then will the farmers see real change and improvement in their situation.