
Swiss Municipalities Vote on Initiatives

Swiss Referendum Results: How Your Municipality Decided

On June 9th, Swiss voters rejected three initiatives and approved the electricity law. In this article, you will find out how your municipality voted. Swiss citizens overwhelmingly rejected the premium initiative proposed by the SP. 55.5 percent of voters said no to the proposal, which aimed to cap health insurance premiums at a maximum of 10 percent of income. There is a clear divide between regions, with most municipalities in French-speaking Switzerland and Ticino voting in favor.

Similar results were seen with the Center Party’s cost containment initiative. However, the canton of Vaud stood out by clearly rejecting the proposal.

The anti-vaccine movement also suffered a defeat, with nearly all municipalities rejecting the initiative aimed at preventing discrimination against the unvaccinated. Only a few municipalities voted yes, such as Cerentino in Ticino or Unteriberg in Schwyz.

The electricity law was widely accepted, despite opposition from environmental and landscape conservationists who had launched a referendum against it. Only a few rural municipalities voted against it.