
In June 2024, the Hessian Statistical State Office counted 1.5 million guests and 3.2 million overnight stays in accommodation establishments in Hessen using forecasting methods. Compared to June 2023, the number of guests stagnated, and the number of overnight stays decreased by 2 percent.

The tourism statistics serve as an important indicator of economic trends. The results for June 2024 were obtained through a forecasting method used by the Hessian Statistical State Office to publish the results of the tourism statistics much earlier. This methodology generates forecast values for guest arrivals and overnight stays at the district and state levels.

For more detailed numbers, you can access our table „Arrivals and overnight stays of guests in Hessian accommodation establishments in June 2024 by administrative districts“ for download. You can also find numbers and facts about tourism in Hessen in our interactive map application Hessenatlas. For a nationwide overview, the updated Tourism Atlas for the year 2023 provides detailed regional information. Additionally, you can explore the regional development of guest overnight stays from 2019 to 2022 on the Tourism theme page in the Statistics Portal.

If you are interested in the main economic and business indicators for Hessen, you can find a compact summary on our overview page. This data provides valuable insights into the tourism industry and economic trends in the region.