
Building the Pina Bausch Zentrum: Exciting Progress Towards 2024 Opening

Excitement is building as the construction of the Pina Bausch Zentrum in Wuppertal continues to take shape, with a planned opening in 2024. The center aims to bring together the worlds of dance and performance to make contradictions tangible and offer diverse perspectives. According to Bettina Milz, the focus is on encouraging people to experience the beauty of nature and the diversity of the world we inhabit. She emphasizes the importance of taking action, especially in light of recent floods highlighting the costly consequences of inaction.

Upcoming Performances and Events

In anticipation of the grand opening in 2024, a series of exciting performances and events are scheduled to take place. On September 24th, the Belgian company Reckless Sleepers will present the performance „A STRING SECTION“ on the forecourt of the Schauspielhaus Wuppertal. This will be followed by the opening of the festival, featuring speeches from prominent figures such as Dr. Carolin Baedeker from the Wuppertal Institute, Matthias Nocke, Stadtdirektor and Kulturdezernent of Wuppertal, Tobias Staab, and Bettina Milz.

The festival will kick off with the participatory performance „LAKE LIFE“ by the New Zealand artist Kate McIntosh. Audience members will embark on a journey of discovery through the space, exploring themes of trust, fun, and imagination in contrast to the uncertainties of the modern world. Through this immersive experience, participants are encouraged to envision a new world where paths can be reinvented from the ground up, fostering a sense of community and transformation.

Exploring Sustainability and Innovation

As part of the festival, Circular Insights Days will be hosted at the Schauspielhaus and the future Pina Bausch Zentrum on September 25th. This event, organized by Neue Effizienz, will bring together students and businesses to explore circular economy principles as a means of driving innovation and sustainability. Through collaborative think tanks and hands-on workshops, young professionals will tackle real-world challenges faced by companies, with awards presented by Minister Oliver Krischer and Oberbürgermeister Prof. Dr. Uwe Schneidewind.

The festival will also feature a diverse array of performances, including urban dance productions, such as „EGO – a Journey of Urban Art“ by Urban Art Complex and „TANZRAUSCHEN“ from Wuppertal. Additionally, artistic works like „ICH KANN’S NICHT LASSEN“ by Janne Gregor will explore themes of participation and self-empowerment. Collaborations with the Children’s and Youth Theater Wuppertal will showcase productions like „GRÜN“ by choreographer Barbara Fuchs, delving into the connections between humans and plants through movement and sound exploration.

Embracing Cultural Exchange and Creativity

The festival’s grand finale will feature a Triple Bill performance, bringing together artists from African Loop in Senegal and choreographer Kenji Shinohe from Wuppertal. The program will include works like „BELOVED «Oui ou Non»“ and „KEUR,“ highlighting the importance of traditional practices like mud construction in addressing climate challenges. Furthermore, the artist duo deufert&plischke will share their project „JUST IN TIME/anarchivTANZ,“ which invites audiences to engage with letters written to dance over the years, fostering a sense of connection and reflection.

The realization of the festival within the framework of the project „The Pina Bausch Zentrum as a holistic sustainable approach“ in collaboration with the Wuppertal Institute is a testament to the commitment to environmentally conscious practices. Supported by the Kulturstiftung des Bundes and the Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, as well as the Ministry of Culture and Science of North Rhine-Westphalia, the festival represents a convergence of art, sustainability, and community engagement.

As the countdown to the opening of the Pina Bausch Zentrum continues, the anticipation for a new era of creativity, innovation, and cultural exchange in Wuppertal grows. The festival promises to be a celebration of art, performance, and sustainability, reflecting the values of collaboration, diversity, and transformation. Stay tuned for more updates and announcements as the journey towards the 2024 opening unfolds.