
The AfD in the Brandenburg state parliament is aiming to appoint a Deputy President in this legislative period. The parliament in Potsdam is set to have a President and three deputies in the future, ensuring that each faction has a representative in the presidium. Previously, there was only one President and two deputies.

According to the Brandenburg BSW chairman Robert Crumbach, „Of course, the AfD, as the second-strongest faction, should also be represented in the presidium with a deputy president.“ CDU faction leader Jan Redmann also signaled approval for this arrangement, stating, „The majority of the parliament prefers that each faction should be represented at the top of the presidium. We will not oppose this and will carefully examine every personnel proposal from the factions.“

In Saxony, the AfD also holds the position of Vice President in the state parliament. The AfD has nominated lawmaker Daniel Münschke for the role. In the previous legislative period, AfD politician Andreas Galau served as the Vice President of the parliament. Traditionally, the strongest faction in the parliament also provides the President. In Brandenburg, this role belongs to the SPD, who is expected to re-nominate the current President of the state parliament, Ulrike Liedtke. The election is likely to take place on Thursday.

Previously, in the Saxon state parliament, AfD politician André Wendt was elected as Vice President. However, in Thuringia, despite being the strongest party, the AfD failed to appoint the President of the parliament or a Vice President. AfD candidate Wiebke Muhsal was unsuccessful in all rounds of voting.