the Far away from Bitcoin: In Vienna, a new centre of the Blockchain research. The government subsidised the Austrian Blockchain Center (ABC) is to make Austria in the field of Blockchain-development of internationally competitive.

By Christopher clover
4. December 2018 share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

That the Blockchain is more than just Bitcoin, should be known. Austria stepped up its efforts in the Blockchain research. With the Austrian Blockchain Center (ABC) in Vienna, an interdisciplinary consortium from academia and industry, has committed to the development of Blockchain applications. In the case of ABC, it is a so-called COMET-centre, co-financed by the Austrian research promotion community (FFG). Like the FFG on January 28. November, on their website announced, the state contributes a total of EUR 17 million on ABC, as well as two other COMET-newbies.

ABC has its headquarters in the Institute for production management Vienna University of Economics and. In addition to 21 scientific institutes 54 companies involved in ABC. To 17 to come the majority of international companies. This can be a press release from the University of Economics in Vienna from 29. November. The Austrian Blockchain Centre is dedicated to five problem areas:

cryptography, technology & security crypto-economic Modelling & Blockchain applications for Business, new industries, & block chains in Manufacturing, Data Science methods for Blockchain-analysis & predictions legal and political implications

In the coordination of the five areas in different institutions. While the economic University of Vienna is approximately the area of modeling crypto-economic models and applications, coordinating with SBA Research, another COMET-the center of the field of cryptography, technology, and security.

Exemplary Blockchain-promotion far away from Bitcoin

As a COMET-centre of the category K1, the project will receive for the next eight years, state funding in the amount of up to 2.55 million Euro per year.

With the establishment of the ABC, the Alpine Republic is underlining its progressive attitude towards technology, which is under Bitcoin. Now that really is money in the Hand is taken to the block Chain to promote development, is to be welcomed. On the part of the German government to miss such signals, even if vague Statements let on that the subject transmitter of celebrities is growing.

all the same, the Minister of health, Jens Spahn, has called the Blockchain-competition. This is, however, particularly in view of the Austrian million in funding, a comparatively small contribution to the Blockchain-development.