the is The US company Xerox to submit a Patent, with the user documents on a Blockchain-drop, and so against manipulation in a secure manner. Meanwhile, the race continues to secure patents in the Blockchain sector.

15. November 2018 share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

It reads like a prototype-a description of the Blockchain technology:

„A Node in the network can check one of the other Nodes Change made to the document and a new Block to the Chain to add, by One-Way Hashes used, whereby the Chain is protected against manipulation“

it is said in the patent application.

Notwithstanding this, accepted the US patent office (US Patent and Trademark Office) on 13. November the Patent for a „Secure revisioning auditing system for electronic document files“ and after about a year. Because, like BTC-ECHO reports, is the application in August 2017.

The technology company describes it as a block chain-based method for the Tracking of changes to documents. This is primarily intended to ensure that Changes to the content of the stored data are clearly identifiable as such and, consequently, the manipulation to increase security:

„If an invalid Block is detected, the System issues an Audit alert to the network. The Audit log is tamper-resistant and can therefore provide reliable evidence of compliance with Audits, investigations and the management of business – or court files.“

Use Case Audits

As a Use Case of the system, the authors give the so-called documents-Audits. Because, as in the application described, to go through documents on the way up to your final Version of countless versions. In order to understand them and subsequent Changes to older versions to exclude, and wants to Xerox rely on the Blockchain-technology:

„[…] some of the electronic documents with high security, such as electronic medical records, Bank records or the documentation of a criminal investigation, it is important not to only have the latest Version. [You must] also be able to check the Changes you made to determine who made them.“

leader IBM

However, a rule is kindled on the right the race to the Blockchain patents. Like BTC-ECHO reports, the Tech company IBM from the US, with 90 patents in the nose in front.

Who wants to deal with the idea of a block chain-based documents-Audits, closer apart, here to the patent application.