
In the early 2000s, the German crime scene was dominated by the „K11“ stars Alexandra Rietz and Michael Naseband. But where are they now?

If you tuned in to TV between 2003 and 2013, you likely caught an episode of the scripted reality series „K11.“ The popular pseudo-documentary was a staple in many households during the evening. But what has become of the cast members?

„K11 – The New Cases“: From Crime Solving to Whodunit

Over twelve years, 14 seasons, and 2142 episodes, we followed the detectives in their daily lives as they investigated various crimes. Although the series ended in 2013, it made a comeback in 2020 with a new cast and a new premise. The original version showed both the crime and the perpetrator, while the reboot of „K11 – The New Cases“ followed the whodunit principle, where the culprit is initially unknown. Let’s take a look at what has happened to some of our favorite characters.

Michael Naseband

The most famous „K11“ actor, Michael Naseband, not only portrayed a police officer on screen but also had a career in law enforcement. Before his acting career, he worked as an investigator for serious robbery cases and in the homicide department. He even served as a police chief at the airport in Kosovo as part of a UN mission for a year. Despite his real-life experience, he chose to focus on his TV role. After the end of „K11,“ Naseband appeared in several other TV productions. Today, he runs a pub named „Naseband’s“ in Düsseldorf and writes crime novels.

Alexandra Rietz

Like her co-star Naseband, Alexandra Rietz had a background in law enforcement before her television career. She worked as a police chief inspector in Osnabrück, specializing in robbery, homicide, and state security. Rietz continued to be part of the new cases in the series. Apart from her role on screen, she has made numerous TV appearances, such as on shows like „Promi Big Brother“ and „Das große Promibacken.“ She remains active as an actress, presenter, and author.

Jonas Rohrmann

Jonas Rohrmann, known as Robert Ritter in the series, joined the cast of „K11“ in 2008. Before his acting career, he played American football in the first and second Bundesliga, studied environmental and resource management, and worked as a ranger in countries like South Africa, Botswana, and Namibia. He is also a state-recognized physiotherapist. Rohrmann portrayed his character until the end and continues to engage with fans on Instagram, sharing glimpses of his daily life and reunions with his former co-stars.

Gerrit Grass

Gerrit Grass, who joined the „K11“ team in 2006, previously owned a jeans store in the mid-1990s and worked as a production manager at Constantin Entertainment. After the series was initially canceled in 2013, Grass took a break from television. He made his final appearance on „K11“ in 2017 and later co-founded a company specializing in smartphone charging stations.

Sewarion Kirkitadse

Sewarion Kirkitadse, a lawyer in both the series and real life, had a career in law before joining the cast of „K11.“ He appeared in various TV shows before and during his time on the crime drama. Kirkitadse was part of the original cast but left the show in 2010. After facing legal issues in the same year, he now runs a law firm with his second wife.

The „K11“ detectives have had diverse career paths since the end of the series, showcasing their talents beyond the screen. Fans can still catch glimpses of their favorite stars in various roles and projects.