the In Switzerland there should be no new Blockchain-law. At least when it comes to Finance Minister Ueli Maurer. This was announced by the SVP-member of the infrastructure chain, in Bern. Nevertheless, the country wanted to miss the European connection.

By Phillip Horch
5. December 2018 share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The infra-chain is a Blockchain-conference, which falls slightly out of line. Instead, as usual, to the future of the (international) financial technology in the Swiss capital, to meet the needs of the public administration and infrastructure operators. In short: All of the areas that can revolutionize the Blockchain technology with more efficiency and cost reduction. To discuss this Potential, found itself on 3. In December, representatives from industry and government in Bern.

Ueli Maurer wants to adjust laws

Ueli Maurer, in his capacity of Minister of Finance of Switzerland, spoke on the topic of regulation. How reported there is to be no new law for the Blockchain technology. Rather, the government wants to adjust the existing laws to meet the new requirements of the technology. To do this, in January, launched Blockchain task force now has two weeks time to deliver the appropriate templates.

As the magazine reported, had a total of six laws, which a Change was imminent. These include, among other things, the code of obligations and the bankruptcy law, the necessary adjustments should be initiated according to Ueli Maurer this year. Finally, it is not going to miss the European Blockchain-race.

connection is not to miss

To be an effective and attractive regulation in countries such as Malta or Liechtenstein. There are mainly tax incentives that you offer for young Blockchain Start-ups. In Germany, the authorities still are not quite as United as they are in Switzerland. But after all, there is already a Plan to bring a speedy regulation in the German Bitcoin scene. Fertile soil is abundant.