
Two Blankenese Residents Revitalize the Hamburg Literary Autumn 2024

Two years ago, Pascal Mathéus and Florian Wernicke took over the bookstore Wassermann and transformed it into a literary hub. Now, they are hosting the Autumn Reading, a prestigious literature festival featuring guests such as Ulrich Wickert and Elke Heidenreich.

The bookstore on Elbchaussee is bustling with visitors. Pascal Mathéus and Florian Wernicke are busy assisting customers, handling transactions, placing orders – all while eagerly anticipating their first Autumn Reading event. „We had always planned to organize a festival in Blankenese,“ says Pascal Mathéus. Perhaps not this year, considering they only acquired the Wassermann bookstore, formerly Kortes, two years ago.

Authors have the freedom to attend and visit Blankenese
However, when the Harbour Front Festival canceled, they saw an opportunity. „When the Harbour Front Festival was canceled, we thought, now that the authors are available, there’s a gap to fill, there’s no debut prize from Harbour Front – so we decided to create one,“ Mathéus explains.

The new festival even introduces a new book prize. The award for the best debut novel, sponsored by the Blankenese Lange-Rohde Foundation, will be decided by a panel of experts immediately after the readings by three young female authors on September 14th at the Blankenese Yacht Club. Julia Jost, Sarah Klatt, and Mia Raben will each read excerpts from their debut novels that evening.

Readings at unconventional locations throughout the neighborhood
The readings will take place across the neighborhood, including some unconventional venues. „I can’t wait to experience the atmosphere at the cemetery chapel with Szczepan Twardoch,“ says Mathéus, mentioning there will also be an organ performance. Thanks to a collaboration with the Blankenese Market Evangelical Church, there will also be a literary service.

Ulrich Wickert and Elke Heidenreich are among the guests of the Autumn Reading. While tickets for these two events are sold out, there are still tickets available for all other events. „Andrew ‚O Hagan, a sensational Scottish author who will be reading at the Elbe Filmtheater on September 11th, Jessica Lin, an Austrian author who wrote an incredible book called ‚Little Monsters‘ – these are the things I’m particularly excited about,“ Mathéus enthuses.

Nearly 40 authors will enrich Blankenese over the next two weeks. On the final day of the Autumn Reading, two children’s book authors will hold readings at the local high school – securing the future audience for years to come. „The Autumn Reading in Blankenese is meant to become a tradition, and I hope that we take a significant step towards that goal this year,“ expresses the young bookstore owner.

Lit.Cologne instead of Harbour Front?

The Lit.Cologne, a massive literature festival from Cologne, plans to hold events in Hamburg this fall due to the cancellation of Harbour Front. This decision has received mixed reactions from the community.

Elke Heidenreich

Every Sunday, we welcome prominent guests for discussions. On July 7th, Elke Heidenreich was a guest on the show.

As the literary scene in Blankenese flourishes with the Autumn Reading festival, residents and visitors alike are treated to a diverse array of literary experiences. From renowned authors to emerging talents, the event promises to captivate audiences and celebrate the power of storytelling. With Mathéus and Wernicke at the helm, the Hamburg Literary Autumn 2024 is set to be a resounding success, showcasing the rich cultural tapestry of the city and inspiring a love for literature in all who attend.