If you give a arbitration decision Believe, China seems to have its Position to Bitcoin reconsidered: According to the report, the Shenzhen International Court of Arbitration it is prohibited to transfer crypto-currencies have to. An overall good sign for the adaptation in China.

China and Bitcoin have a complicated history. A ban was pronounced, once again loosened, and finally re-tightened. Regardless of the classification of the Blockchain, or certain crypto-currencies, the attitude of China in respect of digital currencies was previously ambivalent.

The back – and-herpendelnde relationship between China and Bitcoin swings currently back to the Positive: The Shenzhen International Court of Arbitration emphasized in a publication by the 25. October, Bitcoin and other Crypto, the Chinese Definition of property currency. As such, investors in crypto-currencies are likely to have and the dealer accept this as a means of payment.

The decision was made in the context of an arbitration court, in the transactions of Bitcoin, Bitcoin, Cash, and Bitcoin Diamond. Currently, China has currencies of the regulatory Details with respect to the ownership and transfer of Crypto still not definitively resolved. Under the current law, the arbitration court upheld, however, the property attributes of crypto-currencies in Accordance with applicable law. The Details behind the court case has run Katherine Wu in a Twitter Thread in more detail.

Reconcile China with Bitcoin?

the fight for full acceptance of Bitcoins by the Chinese regulatory authorities is not yet over. The decision of an arbitral Tribunal is to be distinguished from a bill. Until the Chinese authorities to adopt a definitive, positive law design, is this decision in the first place, an arbitration decision between the two parties to the dispute.

Nevertheless, this decision is seen in the larger context: China is again wool wealthy compared to Bitcoin. At the end of September one of the more established technology magazine has announced that they will accept Bitcoin starting in 2019 as a means of payment. One sees two positive developments. The interest in Bitcoin has increased in spite of the strict regulation in China and the other first steps in the direction of a fair crypto are done with it-regulation.