the Decision on whether to evacuate the swedes, which is located in the xi’an area, has been hit by the new flu virus was on a Thursday. Today, 15 of the swedes in the field, eleven of them have said that they want to get rid of the country.

“ with All of the details are not clear, but it is our hope that we will be able to get it home and the swedes over the weekend. We have been working continuously on this, and it has been a very substantial diplomatic work, “ said Anna Lundblad.

the foreign MINISTRY has studied the possibility to bring home the swedes, from the Chengdu since the outbreak started, but has not had the opportunity. The process of getting home, the swedes will be made in co-operation with other countries. France has been at the forefront of the planning process. The plan at the moment is that the swedes will be able to travel with one of the French planes to France and, from there, move on to Sweden.

“ It is important to ensure that there will be an orderly process, all the way down. For example, should all go to the gathering place, “ says Lundblad.

as for the swedes, in the xi’an will have been infected by the new coronavirus.

Anders Tegnell, department head of the Folkhälsomyndigheten, and says that the swedes are going to be healthy when they come home.

“ They will have to be tested before they go on the plane and while on board the plane. Then, when they come to Sweden, we will make sure that they are able to go to their homes, and they build a good relationship with the local medical facilities so that they are able to seek medical attention if they begin to have symptoms, “ says Tegnell.

the health authorities will have to ask the swedes to stay at home and avoid contact with others as much as possible during the two-week period of time.

“ There are no compelling opportunities out there, but we are assuming that the people are wise, and comply with the directives, and in particular, that they have seen at close quarters how the virus could be spread, say, Tegnell.

the Swedish civil contingencies Agency (MSB) is going to help with the return trip for the swedes, who should have been evacuated.

flights to and from Shanghai as well as Beijing, as of Friday, the 31st of January to the 9th of February. The SAS group is not going to sell any tickets on flights to Shanghai and Beijing, with the 29th of February.

Flights to Hong kong are affected, however, are not. Affected passengers can book their tickets online.

Presschefen Admitted Annamatz, and says that the same rules apply as always, in the event of cancellation of a flight.

“ You have the right to reschedule or receive a full refund. Details are available on our website, and it is possible to make a call on our customer service, “ she said.

in the present, and for the first time. According to Vanessa Annamatz, it is not possible to predict what the financial loss to the company is going to be.

„It’s a small part of our business, and we’ll just get back to what this is going to mean financially,“ she says.

for All the SAS professionals in the mainland China will be allowed to fly home.

and Then in the past, has 17 airlines, including American Airlines and Finnair set up its flights to and from China.

the British Airways, went by yesterday, that the company will stop all flights to and from China. The decision relates to at least January.

– infections of the new coronavirus, now rises to 7,700 people. The vast majority of them are living in China. 170 people have so far died as a result of the virus, according to chinese health authorities.

Tonight, representatives of the world health organization (WHO) will once again gather together in order to make the decision of whether to declare a state of national emergency by reason of the subject. In the past, has the news been that it is too early to declare a state of emergency.

Russia has closed its borders to China in the hope of being able to stop the virusspridningen. The decision was made on Thursday, and is valid until further notice. You will also not issue any visa to chinese nationals. The Russian state news agency Tass writes that Russia is at risk of losing a turistinkomst about $ 100 million of the travel ban on chinese tourists must remain in place until the end of march.

for more information: Amanda Dyke trapped in Wuhan: ”I will make sure to get plenty of fresh air and think about other things.”