It is still unclear where the high-level waste from the defunct nuclear power plant shall be maintained and, therefore, does not end in judgment.

you said that you don’t take a position on where we are going to get rid of the trouble, “ says Pia Almström (M), mayor of Kävlinge, sweden.

the Municipality would like to make use of the area for the construction of a seaport on the sound, but to refrain from appealing the ruling. Now being built-in rather than an additional layer for the storage of waste on-site.

the Demolition is scheduled to start around 2028, and will give rise to more than 400,000 tonnes of demolition waste.

for more information, see ”It’s time to wake up now.”

for more information, see the Melancholy, and pride, when the Swedish nuclear power plant Ringhals 2 was shut down.
