to Get the decision in a fundamental way, changed the face of Sweden, after a referendum in 1994 gave the green light for joining the European union. In the present day we have been members for over 25 years. This is an opportunity to look both backwards and forwards on the Swedish membership in the european union.
Let’s start with the current situation. It’s like a little bit of tvistigt called the ”UNION issue” is now gone from the agenda. Sweden’s membership of the EUROPEAN union is, of course, for most of them. The power of the EU-the level of commitment can be devoted to cooperation in the EUROPEAN union and to the achievement of concrete results.
It is clear that the spirit of the times, now is a different one. Millions of swedes do not know anything other than that, it has been a member of the EUROPEAN union. Who is the young man able to work in a bar in Berlin or to study in France. The opportunity to live where you want, with the same rights as the citizens of the country, was a frihetsreform. And on the factory floors to see the importance of the EU’s internal market. Export revenues contribute to the financing of the Swedish welfare system.
something else as well. By means of a democratic EUROPE is possible to do such a thing as a single country is not able alone to stop climate change, and to safeguard the security and strengthen the economy.
In the parliament, appears to the parties that wanted to leave the EU now, want to replace the feet, one after the other. There is a significant change that the membership in the EUROPEAN union now has a wide support base, both to the public and to parliamentary democracy.
it has not always been the case. To become a member of the EUROPEAN union, was by no means self-evident. While the countries of the continent had historical reasons for the EU membership, Sweden was influenced by our history and identity.
the european union , and we share democratic ideals, with the countries of what was then called the European economic community (EEC). Still, a membership is not possible, as long as there was confidence in our policy of neutrality.
The recent security developments that took place in the fall of the berlin wall changed all of that. Membership of the european co-operation became a reality.
at the same time, a knowledge of the English socialist and social democratic parties of the existence of a strong policy argument in favour of eu membership. For us, it was all about jobs and the well-being, but also of our great interest in cross-border trade and on the EU as a common project for peace. The environment was also included.
we did , also have an impact. We were at the forefront of a öppenhetsförordning making the EU more transparent. The european legislation on chemicals is driven forward by Margot Wallström, commissioner for the environment. Prime minister Göran Persson, Anna Lindh, was significant as the countries of eastern Europe would have been in the middle east and was admitted as a member of the union. The commissioner Cecilia Malmström, the EU had a strong and clear voice in favour of free trade.
Now, we can summarize the 25 years of EU-membership. It has been, without a doubt, has made Sweden, for a stronger community. Is given to the number of jobs and the improvement of the environment. It has increased our influence in our region, as well as in the rest of the world.
Our commitment to the EUROPEAN union, is now, of course, for most of us. Sweden has gone from being the first to say, ’no‘, and for good reason; after a period of hesitation; and now, to fully embrace the fact that we are members of the EUROPEAN union. In spite of the problems that have cropped up along the way, in spite of a rather difficult trip, as is membership in the EUROPEAN union are now accepted in a very different way than it has ever been.
as the prime minister, mr Stefan Löfven, left, in parliament, in the autumn. The main message was that Sweden is an EU member state to rely on and work with. We will actively and positively consider participation in all aspects of co-operation.
There is such a thing, we are outside the euro, a decision we made together. However, the threshold is high, in order to stand in the side of the other. It is in our national interest to play a full part in the EUROPEAN union. So we get the best impact from the priorities that are most important to a social democrat-led government.
the EU will maintain its early lead in the klimatomställning that need to be carried out. What is needed is an economic policy in Europe, which will create more jobs, and it will be a nice job. There is a lot more to do in order to the EUROPEAN union’s voice to be better heard worldwide.
in the midst of us. The EUROPEAN union, which we joined, was a union of the democracies. So, it needs to stay that way. Our partnership is based on shared fundamental values such as freedom, equality, tolerance and human rights.
there is also the independence of the judiciary, and the trust between the member states, which they create. Without trust, there can be no sound basis for co-operation. And, not for the desire to get involved financially – those who are investing need to be able to rely on the legal system of the country in which you are investing your money.
Now, the european co-operation has entered a new phase. The uk will leave the union on the 1st of February. There will be a loss, since the loss of a close ally on many important issues. Any change in the balance of EUROPE, and requires us to be more active and more aggressive.
at the same time creating a greater awareness of , the value of being in the european union. Not in any of the capitals of EUROPE, does not seem to even consider the idea is to follow the uk’s example.
this 25-year anniversary, it may be worthwhile to ask the question – what would Europe be without the EU? We believe that there has been a continent with a lot of major differences. Political interests have been confronted in a rude manner, and economic interests played off one against the other. A joint effort of the world would have been much more difficult.
the EUROPEAN union has given us a tool to handle the range of interests and promotion of common ground. Sometimes it requires lengthy and tiring negotiations, however, there is no better way to search for common solutions.
It is also find the way. It will continue to serve us well.