Our study shows that around 18 billion dollars, or 5.5% of total expenditure excluding old-age pension, to be paid out improperly from the welfare system each year, with an uncertainty range of between 11 and 27 billion for the year. There is more than one-half of the annual cost of family allowances. If we compare the first of its kind) of the total improper payments made on behalf of the government, in 2005, by the Delegation against incorrect payments (FUT) is the percentage of errors is about the same as well.
There are resources that could have been used to the urgency of the reforms. It is the predominant reason of the incorrect payment is that the information that is the basis for the decision is not correct.
in Spite of the significant fiscal implications are there any long-term focus of efforts to combat improper payments. Not going anywhere is a comprehensive follow-up of what’s being done and what impact it may have. More effective systems and reduction of leakage are also important in order to maintain the confidence of the common fisheries policy and the welfare state in general.
the Digitisation process can have an adverse effect on error rate.
Which made the annual estimates of the error rates, which are being discussed by the EU’s council of finance ministers, at different times, and for the government to inform and anchor the issue in the parliament during the course of the year. Then you have the incorrect payments from the EU budget, are far less consequences for the Swedish central government budget than the error rate of the Swedish welfare system: it is estimated that approximately 0.9 billion, compared with around 18 billion dollars a year.
it may also be noted that the main focus is on the service and the efficiency of its own operations, while the authorities are being digitized. We believe that the digitisation of the day, and may have an adverse effect on error rate. Our study shows that some of the schemes with the highest rate of improper payments is highly automated. 1 Control and follow-up of the work by the irregular payments will need to be coordinated. : the Government should adopt a single, systematic, and long-term work, in order to significantly reduce the irregular, the payments shall be carried out. This approach is recognized in the state budget, and will be followed up on in a separate report, from the government to the parliament every three years.
the follow-up to include, among other things, an appreciation of the reasons for and extent of improper payments. Efforts to prevent improper payments should, in addition, on an aggregate basis annually to be followed up in the budget. The ministry of finance needs to have a strong co-ordinating role of the Government in this matter. The authorities ‚ instructions, it should be clear that they are going to take the controls and work with the stakeholders in order to ensure that the payments are correct.
2. A word of advice needs to be set up in order to get a comprehensive look at the issue of incorrect payments, and over-exploitation. , A word of advice, should be established, with representatives from the relevant government authorities and the ministry of finance. The council will contribute to a holistic approach to the issue is achieved. The council will monitor progress, identify strategic interventions and provide advice and recommendations to the government on the urgency for action.
the council is tied to an office with the mandate to, among other things, to coordinate the efforts being made to estimate the improper payments, and to provide the government with up to date positions on the field.
the Extent and causes of improper payments needs to be followed up continuously in order that the right measures will be developed and prioritized. is A prerequisite in order to work to prevent erroneous payments to be able to be carried out in an efficient way, that is, knowledge about their extent and causes. It is only with the knowledge that it is possible to prioritise resources to where the risk and the magnitude of the errors is the greatest, as well as to assess the efficiency of the process.
We present, therefore, in accordance with our mandate, as a model for the recurrent omfattningsbedömningar. The model makes it possible to obtain a complete picture of the irregular expenditure, adhere to the development and raising the level of knowledge. The council of minister’s office with a mandate to coordinate the implementation of the model, and the continuous development of the.
The untapped potential of digitization, and artificial intelligence (AI) needs to be taken into account. , the Swedish public sector management, digitization, fast, and in this work, the importance of the regularity of payments, to be lifted up. The government therefore needs to complement its digitaliseringsstrategi with this point of view. We are also proposing a summary of knowledge of the operation of the self-service, automated delivery and risk-based controls can be used to ensure the accuracy of payments.
The paying authority should also give an estimate of how investment in digitisation, and the AI will affect the magnitude of the error rate. It is also essential that an explicit legal status in order to process personal data for the purposes proposed.
5. Efforts to prevent improper payments. , the legal environment needs to be safeguarded against improper payments, and to over-exploitation. Therefore, there should be a special resource to be developed, in order to be used in the case of new or changes in regulations. In addition, the set of rules that governs the exchange of information between the competent authorities in order to improve the chances of correct payment.
Our study demonstrates that the erroneous payments and the percentage of suspected willful misconduct is the high level of compensation, with payments made to the company and the other välfärdsaktörer. It is important, therefore, to the paying authority with a mandate to, in conjunction with the health and social care, the Swedish companies registration office and the Swedish Tax agency, to identify what is needed in order to provide early and systematic detection of rogue and criminal actors within the welfare system. We will also provide suggestions on how to arbetsgivardeklarationerna can be used to prevent improper payments.
the Strengthening of the circumstances, in order to identify and deal with realized the error rate. in Employment, resulting in substantial incorrect payments from the welfare system. We estimate that between 2.7 and 5.9 billion per year, to be paid out of the incorrect, on the grounds of illegal employment. We propose, therefore, to develop procedures for the control of the error rate, when the illegal work is discovered.
this is A wrong payment of pension, compensation means the amount of the provision for the old age pension will be wrong. We estimate that close to 1 billion dollars per year, are incorrectly allocated to the pension. A mandate should be given to the Swedish social insurance Inspectorate (ISF), in order to ensure that the falsely obtained reimbursement does not give the right to a pension. We are also proposing that the paying authority will draw up a proposal of how the strict obligation to make repayment might be. Finally, we propose a system of on the side of the bidragsbrottslagen to be investigated.