On July 1, 2018, took to the Swedish climate change policy is a major step forward. When introduced, the so-called “ reduktionsplikten. This means that, since that time, there is a statutory requirement that the average of the livscykelutsläppen (WTW, well-to-wheel”) greenhouse gas emissions from the diesel and the petrol which is being sold in our country is gradually decreasing.

Reduktionsplikten has several times been made more stringent. From January 1, 2020, the WTW emission values of the diesel fuel being sold to be at least 21 per cent less than the amount of pure fossil diesel fuel cause of the fuel is the requirement to 4.2 per cent. This reduction will be achieved by increasing the percentage of biofuels. The system ensures that the proportion of biofuels at the pump are rising, which will contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

and, Beyond 2020, there is no decision on whether to tighten the reduktionsplikten, which is necessary for the system to contribute to the objective of reducing transport emissions, 2010-2030 70%.

therefore, to determine how it should be. At the same time, an increasing number of questions have been raised about the system.

1. A problem with the reduktionsplikten is that the reduction in emissions the system is intended for can only be achieved through a higher share of biofuels. The requirement does not apply to the total greenhouse gas emissions, but only emissions per unit of energy. Increasing the fuels, the overall emissions rise, despite a stricter reduktionsplikt.

this is Because biofuels are more expensive than fossil fuels, however, is a much tougher reduktionsplikt higher pumppriser, which, in turn, are likely to both dampen the traffic and encourage the shift to electric-powered vehicles.

2. A separate issue is the availability of fuel for vehicles. In a report to the Swedish government the Swedish energy agency has shown that of the 70% target in the first place, to be reached by the more biofuels the use of liquid biofuels to increase from 15 TWh in 2018, to 50 TWh of energy in 2013, which is twice as much as the theory of the domestic industry’s production potential.

at the same time, the purpose of climate policy, reasonably, to maximize the biodrivmedelsanvändningen, but the phase-out of fossil fuels.

Reduktionsplikten has many benefits. I, myself, have on many occasions paid homage to the answer. However, it is a blunt instrument in the climate change process. To think that the 70% target will be reached by means of alone, is more bio-fuels are simply completely unrealistic.

the climate is not what is important, the way in which emissions are reduced. There is a need for policy that promotes all of the ways to reduce the greenhouse – energy-efficient vehicles, electrification, the suppression of the traffic, etc.).

this is A more accurate way of achieving this would be to introduce a national emissions trading scheme, with the ”fossil drivmedelsrätter”, which is gradually limiting the amount of fossil fuel that can be sold.

please see the following:

• in Order to be able to sell a fossil fuel equivalent to emission of 1 tonne of carbon dioxide must be drivmedelsbolagen, in hindsight, leaving a ”fossil drivmedelsrätt” to the state of the cancellation.

• * * The ”fossil drivmedelsrätterna” can drivmedelsföretagen to get over, either by purchase at a public auction arranged by the state, or through the secondary market.

• in Order to bring down the emissions to be reduced to the release of the ”fossil drivmedelsrätter” year-on-year. In 2030, it can release equivalent to 70 per cent of road transport carbon dioxide emissions in 2010. Thus, achieved the target for the service. A few years later, possibly in 2040, to cease reissue of ”fossil drivmedelsrätter, which means that the sale of fossil fuels is prohibited.

it would be all the possible ways to reduce transport emissions are stimulated in a similar manner. In addition to an increase in biodrivmedelsanvändning also, the shift to electricity and natural gas, but also the general trafikminskningar more public transport and cycling.

in A trade with the fossil fuel emission is unlikely to solve all of the problems. There’s probably a reason for both the state and local governments to have contingency plans in place to deal with the consequences of the price increases that are likely to arise and who can beat the absurdity in sparsely populated areas and to low-income households. The restructuring may create the need for generic measures, but also targeted support and regulations: in order not to be unfair.

at the same time, it is hard to imagine that it is possible even to approach the objective, so long as the reduktionsplikten will remain the primary point of reference.

there is a spur that is about to enter the road transport into the european emissions trading scheme. Such an approach would not facilitate, but hinder the management of climate change.

the EUROPEAN union’s emissions trading scheme to include all of the major energy utilities, heavy industry, plus all flights within the european economic area. On the road drivmedelsanvändning is injected into the system, it would quickly break down, among other things, that the rates of emission would be so high that the share of heavy industry go to the wall.

That the introduction of a national emissions trading scheme of the greenhouse gas emissions is not straightforward but requires careful preparation. In Germany, the government has decided to introduce a national emissions trading system to road transport, however, expects to have the system in place in 2026.

this is all The more important that the work of the Swedish system, to start as soon as possible.
