as Of the date the employer has an extensive responsibility for the employee’s health. This entails, among other things, to ensure that the work environment is living up to the high standards. When employees are ill, employers finance the first two weeks of employment. In the event that the employee is in need of rehabilitation services, the employer shall arrange for the appropriate action. This is the will of the political reform, which, among other things, the unions have been the driving force for the.

a : the workers ‚ movement could not extend the employer’s liability, and at the same time taking away the tools that are available to carry out this duty. In order for employers to be able to take on the responsibility for their staff, both in the publicly-funded health systems, and the ability to be able to purchase a range of services that are relevant to the case at hand. Therefore, we need to ask ourselves the question of how the Swedish trade union confederation the Swedish medical association is actually have to be the employer responsible for their employees ‚ health, we are sjukvårdsförsäkringarna the key.

the Reasons that health insurance has emerged is that of the publicly-funded health care for large parts of the finished work in a satisfactory manner. The ill staff is one of the most expensive, which can affect the business. Sweden has 500,000 business owners, there are few who have the opportunity to be on sick leave for a longer period of time then there is no business to come back to it. The long queues is just not acceptable for a Swedish business people. On the basis of the public health service’s failure to have the business owners have been forced to take matters into their own hands, in order to ensure their own and their employees ‚ livelihoods.

During last year’s election campaign, and this year several of these proposals have been discussed. This is not one of them. Insurance is not the cream of the billionaires who cheat their way past the queue. It’s all about the honest, hard-working small business owners across a variety of industries, ranging from electricians to hair stylists, who need to be able to get in touch with the health service for their company and employees ‚ livelihoods should not be destroyed.

Sjukvårdsförsäkringarna supplements in addition to the publicly-funded health care, with 245.000 specialistbesök and 18,000 transactions. It is health care, which is carried out in private clinics, where no-one takes precedence over the public queue. Private health care is helping to reduce the public waiting lists at the same time as the employee can return to work more quickly – that’s all-not the least of the publicly-financed welfare services.

the strengthening of the publicly funded health care is important, however, to do so at the expense of the most important private complement to the so that the health risks that a further deterioration in the opportunities for ordinary business owners and employees to get the care and rehabilitation they need.
