the The Bitcoin market may continue to weaken – the Blockchain-development continues unabated. Also, the officials of the European Union show a growing awareness of the new technologies. Thus the question of a uniform regulation of decentralized technologies and crypto-currencies becomes more and more pressing. In Gibraltar, a progressive attitude of the government for the first fully-licensed crypto exchange in the world. In Brussels, a Blockchain-interest Association of the financial industry, and in Luxembourg, a think tank is forming. Meanwhile, a DLT conference with 2,500 visitors will be held in Basel, Switzerland. The regulatory-ECHO of the calendar week 47.

By Christopher clover
24. November 2018 share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

What has happened in the last week in terms of crypto-currencies and regulation? The most Important thing in the near future.

The first fully-licensed crypto exchange in the world

In Gibraltar by the financial services authority Gibraltar Financial Services Commission, the crypto-subsidiary of the Gibraltar Stock Exchange, GBX, gave the green light. It is since the turn of the 21st century. November, the first fully-licensed crypto exchange in the world. GBX is now planning the introduction of additional trading pairs, and in addition the assortment of Fiat currencies will be magnified.

the decision by The Gibraltar financial regulator, fits in with the image of a European Union, the Blockchain and other Distributed Ledger technologies are increasingly their attention. As representatives of the financial industry went about on 21. November with the EU-Commission is too cozy in the direction of the Blockchain-regulation. Together we want to strengthen Europe’s pioneering role in terms of Blockchain Innovation by creating a regulatory environment by the Distributed-can thrive Ledger technologies (DLT).

A new crypto-think-tank rolls

Also from the science, there is a new impetus for the crypto sector. In Luxembourg, the international Blockchain experts have founded a think-tank with the name of the think block tank. A first stage on the way to a reasonable crypto-regulation, the for the 28. November, announced the publication of the EU Regulation Paper. The Blockchain-experts want to be first and foremost scientific, analyses made and policy advice.

The Blockchain Association recommends:

Nina settlers is one of these Experts. In addition, settlers is a member of the Blockchain Federal Association, Germany’s best-known Lobby Organisation for Blockchain technology and DLT. In terms of a draft letter to BaFin, the Blockchain Association gave its suggestions for improvement. The Association of the authority recommended to provide more clarity in the question of who exactly belongs to the addressees of the circular. Also in questions of the classification of tokens as a virtual currency, the Federation recommends a more nuanced Definition.

the BaFin Went too far?

Whether it is the task of the BaFin is to classify Bitcoin & Co, was questioned by the Berlin chamber court in September. The Federal authority was assumed to have with the classification of the Bitcoin as a financial instrument of their competence. Leaning the BaFin, in fact, too far out of the window? Alexander Roos has Podcast asked the tax experts Dr. Jörg Andres, after his evaluation of the Case – in the BTC-ECHO.

Blockchain summit in Basel

Despite the drab crypto market situation prevailing on the Blockchain Leadership Summit in Basel, no sign of bearish sentiment. editor Phillip Horch was on the spot and has collected the first impressions. In front of 2,500 visitors, representatives of politics, industry and research will discuss the decentralized future. The event takes place from 23. – 24. November instead.

The SEC shares from

While Europe is still a uniform regulation of ICOs struggles, on the other side of the Atlantic, the U.S. securities and exchange Commission SEC before decided against ICOs, in which Security tokens will be sold. Most recently, the SEC has assigned to the ICOs of AirFox and Paragon for lack of registration, with fines. Paragon shows, however, optimistic that with the SEC an agreement on the status of the PRG-Token.