
Claire, played by Franziska Becker, offers her impoverished hometown a billion dollars in exchange for Alfred’s death, portrayed by Dirk Weiler. The play, „Der Besuch der alten Dame,“ tells the story of revenge as Klara returns to Güllen, the small town where she was abandoned by Alfred after he denied fathering her child. Now, as Claire Zachanassian, she seeks vengeance by offering the town a fortune with one condition – Alfred must die.

Initially outraged by the offer, the townspeople reject it based on their principles. However, as the play progresses, their morals begin to crumble, and the noose tightens around Alfred. The production skillfully captures intense atmospheric moments, questioning the audience about the lengths they would go to for wealth and what they would sacrifice in return.

Franziska Becker excels in portraying the eccentric billionaire Claire, oscillating between a thirst for revenge and vulnerability. Dirk Weiler’s Alfred transitions from a sycophantic hopeful for mayor to a hunted man who ultimately accepts responsibility for his past actions. The town’s descent into moral decay due to the promise of wealth is a central theme, highlighting the corruptibility of individuals.

The play is enhanced by musician Johannes Weik, who provides instrumental commentary, transitions between scenes, and offers musical variations of popular tunes. The premiere received enthusiastic applause from the audience after over two hours of captivating performance.

„Der Besuch der alten Dame“ raises timeless questions about morality, wealth, and consequences, leaving a lasting impact on the viewers. The production’s innovative direction and stellar performances make it a must-watch for theater enthusiasts.

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