energiöverenskommelsen was concluded in the year 2016, reached a historic agreement. This agreement was broadly welcomed by the industry, which is the so-called “ clear and transparent rules of the game. The trenches of the past decades, energy politics have gradually started to no need to it again. It is not The ambition to start digging the new one.
Kapacitetsbristen in the power networks, have recently been becoming more of a problem. The centre has been presented with concrete solutions to address the situation that has arisen. The worst situation is in sweden, Stockholm seems to have a solution for that, the government accepted our proposal to become a reality. However, a robust and flexible electricity system needs to be continued.
Now, we need to address the problems, not the symptoms.
It is good that more people are seeing that needs to be done to secure the electricity supply in the country. However, the report calls for a greater understanding of the problems that Sweden is actually ahead of.
today, there is no ban on new nuclear power in Sweden, market actors are willing to take the risks it involves.
Nuclear power, must according to the existing agreement are to bear their own costs. These market conditions have made it less attractive. Today, there is no ban on new nuclear power in Sweden, market actors are willing to take the risks it involves. The problem with the debate right now is not about that. But nuclear power is not, no matter how much you would like to the English elförsörjningens challenges.
try To come up with nuclear power as the solution to every problem, is at best unwise, at worst, dishonest and harmful to american competitiveness. This would lead to enormous costs for the industry and for taxpayers.
Electricity generation is being built today at a rapid pace. The use of renewable sources of energy is growing by leaps and bounds. The equivalent of half a nuclear power station per year will be built on a purely commercial basis. Therefore, the need to also have the support system to be closed, there is no longer any need. The renewable energy sources, allowing the production of which is spread all over the country, and can help to fill capacity gaps within the existing electricity distribution network.
“ It is because of that Sweden is in need of more cables and wires. Of cogeneration is an important role to play, as the lots are also listed. Other solutions involve the storage, smart grid, and the användarflexibilitet. Sad as it is, it’s not where the focus is, it will not be as good as weapon in this debate.
as If more and more parties are willing to be involved and take responsibility for the energy, so, it is both important and helpful. We hope that in this way, the recent moves should be interpreted. If the aim is to turn the clock back in the energy debate, just for the sake of a headline, then, is that, unfortunately, is not what Sweden needs. We have to stand up for a long-term perspective and to ensure the terms and conditions. It is, perhaps, the most important aspect of energiöverenskommelsen.
and To throw it overboard would be detrimental, not only to the credibility of our policy, but for american competitiveness. We will make the change and increasing the use of electricity, then that is just what is needed on the long-term planning and security that the industry has received. It’s not only about the united states, but also to show the rest of the world is the way it can be done.