According to Tony Clark the can curbside collection, leading to an increase in the collection of 10,000 tons of newsprint paper (25%). The paper industry sets itself up in arms and point out that the measure will lead to an increase in costs. Both of these arguments are logical, and need to be set off against each other.

for The first question, I agree that the change in a researcher’s why it’s a bad thing to burn the newsprint paper industry, obviously the view is too expensive to use? Is the increase in the collection of more worth to society than the costs it causes for the återvinnarna? The second and more important question is how the new collection is really going to work, and if it is truly going to be perceived positively by the household?

In its argument in front of Tony Clark, ”all experience has shown that consumers appreciate, it is close to the service and to sort out more of the ‚recovery‘. What do these experiences say about the system to be put in place as a result of the new rules, however, are not as obvious as it sounds.

. Secondly, there are municipalities which offer the villahushåll two flerfackskärl, where packaging and newspapers can be sorted out, and secondly, there are municipalities, which provides a sorting of different colored bags, and in which the glass is submitted in the collection. What is common to these systems is that the producers and the municipalities. Of course, the changes are going to happen, it may very well mean that the villahushåll get one, maybe two more waste bins, in addition to those provided by local authorities and which is going to be in a separate house. For households, this means more dates to keep track of, and increased transport activity by heavy goods vehicles in the villakvarteren.

Last year, we conducted a questionnaire-based survey in the municipality of Umeå to examine the villahushållens to the preferences of the various collection schemes are in place. The results of the survey indicate that the majority of the households are separate, quite devotedly, for example, accounted for 86 per cent of respondents said they almost always recycle the newsprint. More importantly, the study found that only one-third of the villahushållen clear demand for curbside collection. 42 per cent of the respondents said that local data collection would make it easier for them. One of the reasons for this is that many of the respondents to leave the packaging waste and newspapers, in conjunction with other issues as well.

a Study in Umeå, sweden, shows that about 70 per cent of the population believe that the more tömningsdagar is a negative or a very negative impact on them. The fact is that there is a negative, with more and more tömningsdagar and more soprelaterad the traffic can be quite exhausting, and reflect on the positive aspects of the increase in the level of service.

as to Whether the newsprint are to be submitted at the collection in the future is a quite interesting issue, in comparison to the chaos of the waste containers and waste collection trucks that can come to fruition. If ”the Idea behind the förordningsändringarna is that a household should be able to give away all of the stresses of everyday waste and, at the same time, in the same system,” then it must be the actors in the producer responsibility and local government coordination. Co-ordination is the key to a high level of customer satisfaction.
