In 2010, the first year it happened, dramatically, in the telecom sector. A new entrant came in at a furious pace and rocked the market for mobile telephone systems. The headlines began to appear: Huawei to run on the Networks. Suddenly, it was not possible to talk about the Swedish engineering company, not to mention it’s not nearly as ancient. A prispressande, very, very snabbspringande Huawei has changed the playing field entirely with the cutting-edge technology and low-cost labor.

Against this background, one might think that we have the stupid top of the champagne, every day, since some of the countries, with the united states in the lead, in whole or in part prohibited the router to the construction of a new, major 5G network.

It should be a dream come true – the worst rival, kicked out of major markets? Well, yes. However, it is not that simple.

that the president, Börje Ekholm, expresses himself cautiously on the issue of His Strandbergs great interview that will be published to this day. ”The competition allows us at the Ericsson more, so that’s just a perfect example of the commerce and industry of the avoidance politikersvar.

the Allegations against Huawei are based, in short, the company could almost be seen as a extension of the chinese state, and what it means for the spionagerisk, and the control of the western style of critical infrastructure. Actually, the question is older than the 5g, but in the case of the new mobile network is expected to connect to all possible machines, so it’s put on to a whole new level.

gasta high on the sensitive issues could be seen as a cheap opportunism on the part of the Ericsson side of the page. The whole issue is seen more as a commercial gaming other than as a politics. It’s more fitting to stay on the outside. It is worth noting that on a couple of things when it comes to What is the position of the united states: on the one hand, it is not started with Trump’s trade war, already in the Obama government was to the chinese giant, and out of, which is a security risk. They could not be considered as a means to promote american business in front of the chinese – it is, in principle, the united states companies that are vying for the 5G market. So, why in the pajkastningen?

for the Past. Yes, the US is a major market. The other, in which Huawei is able to be switched out, too. However, in China at the time? We have a market that is important, and will continue to be the key to the Past. The goal is to double its market share in the transition from 4G to 5G. What would happen if China gets tough and forbidding, Ericsson and Nokia, in retaliation?

And, third, the risk that, as a Character She will also say, all the turmoil around 5G of security to get many nations to hesitate. Just look at Sweden. The new law was to create a better grip on the situation. The consequence was, that the auction of the most important 5G-frequency delay of several months.

this, Reasonably, our management is quite happy to be rid of competition in some parts of the world. But it may be just as afraid that everything is going to hit back at them.
