as for Lars Melin writes about what he calls ”harassment by the språkaktivister”. We are active, is based on a different way of doing research if the inclusion, exclusion, and discrimination, they would rather call it the language of change, with ideological overtones.

Through the medium of language, we negotiate the way in which society looks at how we perceive people, who are seen, or overlooked, what is considered ”normal” and what is to be seen as different. In short, the social norms of interacting with the language.

but , in our research, the demand for many of the local language practitioners words, new meanings, and to refer to people in a respectful manner, and not least in everyday speech. Available, words can have a pejorative connotation, or be used in a clinical or administrative context.

The språkförslag that is White, such as a cis person, have a desire to change or challenge the social norm, to which the phenomenon is evaluated by. It seeks, in short, a change in perception in the long run. Whether or not språkbrukarnas emotions, cognitions, political awareness, or any other change, or in what way, the research has not been able to answer in a straightforward manner, but it is a lot of research shows that thought and language are interrelated (see, for example, the Chapter Bylunds of the research.

also , some are accepted quickly, and the other is lost, as well as many of the other proposals for political and social change. (The language of)the role of research is to track the words and their (ideological) origins, and to follow up on how they are distributed, and what are the consequences of it, in such a case, both in terms of the reactions of the public debate and to effective use. Our task, then, is not to be horrified about political agendas, such as the city council or the funktionsrörelsen has, or will immediately embrace or reject language proposed by the arguments about language and cognition. It’s not a Lars Melins to say what someone should be called, nor they ours.

White is right in saying that some of the språkförslag is awkward or vague, and therefore difficult to be effective. However, the solution is not to keep the old names, which are full of the negative connotations of the groups involved, and who have a history of racial discrimination. What is needed is more co-operation between the victims of discrimination, and the morris. Morris has a great knowledge of the way in which new words are placed into a pre-existing vocabulary, and that word will have spread, and the victims of discrimination will have the experience of how words can mislead, wound, or in preserving the system.

they keep up the language and the society, namely, the coming together. In which the language is being discussed, is rarely a change in the time.

there is no change, want no need to drive language development. It is White, and the other, the use of the word appropriate. Each of us must take responsibility for the mindset you want to give to, or which account you would like to bring to people’s experiences of discrimination. However, for those who want to change norms in the community, the language is a very effective tool. It’s not necessarily the words themselves, that will make a big difference, but the discussion of which words are a part of, where the trained thoughts and the patterns to be tested against other people’s way of thinking. Through these discussions, they will be moved to positions forward.
