In the Wake of the Cabinet reshuffle that has taken place in recent times in the Japanese government, were occupied some Ministerial posts by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. This development is flushed including Takuya Hirai to the Cabinet, a designated cryptographic experts and advocates. What can we expect from Japan’s new Minister for research, technology and IT?

last week, the conservative Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to formed his Cabinet vigorously and dismissed a number of Ministers from his government. While most of the key remained resorts unaffected and Familiar staffed, managed some of the newcomers to jump on the government table. From the point of view of the crypto-Community, above all, a replacement is promising.

Takuya Hirai takes on the government

So Abe Takuya Hirai appoints new Minister for research, technology and IT. The 60-year-old politician of the conservative liberal democratic party is many in the Japanese crypto-scene a term. He was in the past, especially by his open-minded attitude to the Blockchain technology and its commitment in the area of crypto-currencies. So he consulted with a variety of organizations and institutions, the profitable use of the Blockchain technology.

Even if Hirai is appointed for the first Time into the Cabinet, did he leave already a footprint in the crypto-regulation. He acted for example as a consultant for the research group by the government, which elaborated a concept for ICO-regulation. In addition, we worked in close coordination with the Financial Services Agency (FSA), Japan’s financial market regulator, the since 2017 the applicable regulatory framework. The General crypto-friendly atmosphere in Japan goes back to a good part also on the commitment of Hirais.

What is the for Japan’s crypto-scene means?

As Minister for technology, he is now the Supreme Lord of the Blockchain-adaptation. Also, it is expected that he will have a say an important word in crypto-regulation. Given his past in the crypto-field that can be used as a good news is considered. Hirai is clearly a crypto-friendly course that stresses the opportunities against the risks. With his appointment, the Japanese government sends out in a time in Japan, too, the reins are tightened, an important Signal.