the Again, disagreement and confusion in India. As the beginning of the week it became known, the Indian Central Bank (RBI) is a own crypto-currency. Meanwhile, the Indian police warns currencies, in a public Statement prior to the Investment in Crypto.

Sebastian wood
4. January 2019TeilenFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

In the second most populous country in the world, the police now spoke a clear warning to the Investment in Bitcoin & co. According to the chief of police of Jammu and Kashmir, and these forms of currencies are supported neither by the government nor by the Central financial institutions as a legal tender.

The police is of the opinion that the Investment in crypto-currencies can lead in the worst case, that private persons or institutions permanently lose money. The Public should remain vigilant, in order not to be in fraudulent machinations involved.

Eternal Back-and-Forth in the regulation

In the South Asian state messages such as this one, meanwhile, seem more surprising. In the last few months, there were actually crypto-savvy state, again and again, armed regulations, and draft legislation. In one method, a number of crypto-exchanges complained, for example, against the government. You throw this, by the repressive attitude towards crypto scene currencies in the country suffocation. These allegations, the Indian government seemed to be also with regard to the existence of a crypto-task force dispel.

And how it looks international?

The Indian police is the warning not all alone. German institutions such as the consumer center to see an Investment in Bitcoin & co. continues as risky. You are warned in November 2018 against high losses from the Investment or dubious providers, the lure of fast riches.

the European Union said in February of 2018 is already critical. She warned, however, before the high risk when trading crypto-currencies. Countries like Thailand, access is Prohibited to areas to Run on the virtual Gold, Bitcoin stop. It’s from countries such as Singapore, Switzerland or Malta. Governments are faced with the trade with crypto currencies to be more positive.