In the course of 2018 and 2019, has been a steady stream of contradictory statements, and guidelines for the use of cloud computing services placed in the Swedish public sector in a digital limbo. The government has now appointed a commission of inquiry, which will have to land in the proposal where the evaluator aims to identify and analyze ”the conditions for outsourcing, while maintaining safety.
However, before the investigation even started to work, the Swedish social Insurance agency, as the drive to ”own” a central government company, has taken a clear position. In the article claim, the director-general Nils Öberg writes that ”The digital sovereignty of states is threatened by information technology services in the cloud,” and warns, in particular, of the Cloud act, a u.s. law that, according to the social Insurance agency makes, that the English authorities are going to be afraid of the data, to the extent that the data are to be stored in a us molntjänstleverantör, they end up in the us authorities ‚ hands.
. Why is it that the social Insurance office, for example, to paint a picture of where we are as fundamentally threatened? The risk is that the Swedish data are to be disclosed in the ”Cloud law” is a very, very small, and, if so, in the unlikely event were to happen, it is for the courts, and in the context of a u.s. criminal investigation, where the collection of information, backed by the robust enforcement of the rule of law.
the Swedish digital sovereignty would be threatened by a minimum of danger that the information will be used in the fight against crime in the united states, is an unnecessary overkill that is likely to put the Swedish government in the digital backwaters.
And why is the social Insurance, that ”[I]t is beyond doubt that these rules [including the ”Cloud law”] […] are not in accordance with the Swedish public access to information and sekretesslagstiftningen.”? No such trial has been done, and there is no evidence whatsoever for such a cocksure conclusion. The issue would be examined, it is immediately available for a court to reach a contrary conclusion only if one is able to ”reckon with” in the united states are actually allowed to take part of the Swedish authorities ‚ data, such as the use of the american molntjänstleverantörer is inconsistent with the public access to information and secrecy act. And this is not the case.
the U.s. law puts strict limits on when a foreign government can in fact be subject to united states jurisdiction, and it is questionable as to whether such a request would be accepted. If, subsequent to a request, for any reason, in violation of, for example, the laws of sweden and foreign states in the interests of molntjänstleverantören in addition, the challenge of it. In addition to this, the united states department of justice indicated that in case of conflict with foreign law, it will have to seek alternative course of action such as, for example, to negotiate with the state concerned, or to make use of available international agreements, in the joint efforts to combat crime.
indeed, the transmission of data from a Swedish government agency under a Cloud, the act” seems, therefore, to say the least, unlikely for a number of reasons. To american digital’s sovereignty would be threatened by a minimum of danger that the information will be used in the fight against crime in the united states, is an unnecessary overkill that is likely to put the Swedish government in the digital backwaters. Hopefully, the Swedish government to adopt a more global perspective of the leading cloud computing can be used for almost any type of data, but there is a trade-off, is made of, for example, information that is “ sensitive to national security. To find a way in which the public sector can be to choose the best cloud services for their needs is the goal of the government’s investigation. When it is necessary to focus on the facts and the nuances, without being influenced by the sensationalist stunts.