the In Russia can ensure the new legislative period for some movement in the Bitcoin regulation. The Japanese financial regulator is trying to bring the Bitcoin-ETF-rumors Silence. Meanwhile, the crypto stock exchange is Kraken information about the extent of official curiosity that demands information about a Trader. In Thailand, the SEC issued four crypto-brokers your blessings while you may struggle in Europe to an EU-wide uniform regulation.

By Christopher clover
12. January 2019TeilenFacebookTwitterLinkedInxingemail

Russia wants to turn to in the future of the digital Economy. , A representative of the Russian lower house Cointelegraph has revealed that in the upcoming legislative session, many legislative proposals are submitted relating to the challenges of digitization. According to a press release of the Russian state Duma, measures of the state Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin of the examination of law drafts aimed at development of the digital economy a high priority.

„I would like to mention the statement block of the digital economy. These are laws to digital of financial assets, digital Rights and Crowdfunding. We have identified this work as one of our priorities,“

it is said in the press release.

EU: crypto Task Force so far with little success and

struggles for some time with a set of rules for Bitcoin and the likes. In a recently published report, two of the most important institutions for a single crypto-regulation speak out: the European banking authority and ESMA. The consumer protection is, especially in the center. Although there is already a Task Force, wants to achieve a uniform regulation in the EU member States; however, different points in this question that are still difficult to a common denominator (want to).

Japan: the confusion around alleged Bitcoin-ETF-examination,

, The Japanese financial Supervisory authority FSA has rumors about a possible Bitcoin ETF is „made in Japan“ denied. Before news made the rounds that the FSA is currently doing, the interest of the financial industry in a such a financial product to explore. FOMO Sapiens interpreted this Initiative as a direct employment by the FSA with a Bitcoin ETF. For the time being, you need have no fear to miss something.

Kraken: more and more authorities requests for Bitcoin-stock market

food for FUD provided, however, the Bitcoin exchange Kraken. There are symbolic spoken more and more often the cops in front of the door. Unfortunately, the Investment-bulls are not mean. In a report revealed the number of requests Kraken, the state authorities aimed at the crypto-Exchange. The transparency report says that government authorities have claimed in the year of 2018, almost three times as often (475 times) insight into clients ‚ accounts than in the previous year (160 requests).

The lion’s share of the United States. All the 315 requests the authorities from Overseas. Most of the requests presented by the Homeland Security Investigations, a part of the customs and migration authority, ICE. On place 2 the FBI follows with 67 requests. With 19 requests, the interest of the U.S. stock exchange supervision authority, the SEC was still comparatively low. From Germany, 34 requests, by the way, after all. In a response to the Tweet, the stock market is complaining indirectly about the lack of competence of the authorities. Therefore, there is for each request, there is a large „Back and Forth“, because in part, technically difficult to actionable claims.

„A part of why they are so exhausting, is that they often require a considerable level of education and Back and Forth. We get requests for ‚all transactions‘, which could be petabytes of data, although actually, you only need the payouts from last week for a customer.“

Thailand: SEC opens slowly the crypto-currencies

Thailand has its SEC. The stock exchange Supervisory authority has on 9. January four crypto-companies with a license to trade with digital Assets is granted. Two requests received a rebuff, for another, the decision is still pending. In the case of the four licensed companies is Bitcoin Exchange co., Bitkib Online co., Satang Corporation, as well as the crypto-Broker Coins TH co.

Chile crypto-commercial Bank access

allows Good news for Bitcoin exchanges in Chile. As in many other countries, crypto stock exchanges had difficulties in accessing the traditional banking services. After a ruling by the Chilean antitrust authority, the TDLC banks are now obliged crypto to accept exchanges as a customer.

Laboriously the squirrel by the name of crypto regulation-fed.