
The TV show „Das Messie-Team – Start in ein neues Leben“ aired on Thursday (18.07.2024) on RTL2. If you missed it, you can catch the repeat of the documentary soap on TV or online. Unfortunately, there will be no immediate rerun on linear television, but you can check the RTL2 media library for the episode you missed.

The show follows the lives of people who struggle with clutter and hoarding issues, with the help of Messie therapist Sabina Hankel-Hirt and decluttering expert Dennis Karl. It aims to provide guidance and support to those who find it difficult to clean up or let go of things in their lives.

The episode that aired, titled „Gunvor wünscht sich endlich ‚einen neuen Start ins Leben!'“, is part of Season 2 and delves into Gunvor’s journey towards a fresh start. The documentary lasts for 125 minutes and was originally produced in 2012.

For those interested in watching other episodes of „Das Messie-Team – Start in ein neues Leben“, you can stay updated on the upcoming broadcast schedule on RTL2. The show offers valuable insights into the challenges faced by individuals dealing with hoarding tendencies and the process of decluttering for a new beginning.