the Company is first assumed that there was a bug in it that caused the wrong goods are delivered, but according to his own analysis of the problem was found, the study found. In fact, it was the wrong data from the various regions of the inventory of the medical supplies, which led to the wrong goods are delivered, the company claims.

in Order to catch up with supply, the company has been forced to bring in extra resources, the cost of which would be to the regions will be in order.

in the regions of the common varuförsörjningsnämnden, do not agree with the company’s conclusions about the inaccuracy of stock details.

“ Our lawyers are looking at that statement. According to them, we have not made any errors, but the Apotekstjänst have had access to all the information they should have, according to the agreement, “ he said of Today’s Society.

Amina Manzoor: Drug and sjukvårdsmateriel for essentials in order to afford to take chances with.

for more information, see Apotekstjänst blame vårdkaos of the lack of information.