

EU Commission: Europe Blockchain-avant-garde remain

the Even if the crypto-markets, currently it is off the hook – the development of the Blockchain and Distributed Ledger technologies is...

Exclusive: Details on the Blockchain-strategy of the Federal government

the Bitcoin needs regulation at the international level. This and further Details BTC-ECHO to tomorrow's Cabinet meeting of the Federal...

Blockchain Association responds to BaFin-circulars

the BaFin has to be informed to be published in October the draft of a circular letter, in the financial institutions on...

India: government plans to adopt a comprehensive regulatory design for dealing with crypto currencies

the In the court case about the legality of crypto-exchanges in India there are new developments. In defence of the Indian government...

Regulatory-ECHO KW47: what is going on in Europe

the The Bitcoin market may continue to weaken – the Blockchain-development continues unabated. Also, the officials of the European Union show a...

BaFin: ban of binary options for retail investors confirmed

the The German Federal financial Supervisory authority (BaFin) imposed a ban of binary options for retail investors. The authority justified the step...

World premiere: Gibraltar Blockchain Exchange is a stock exchange license

the The Gibraltar Blockchain Exchange (GBE) has received the green light from the securities and exchange Commission of the country. Thus, the...

think block tank: experts aim to create legal certainty for European Blockchain projects

the Leading European Blockchain experts to announce the founding of the think block tank. The Luxembourg Non-Profit Organisation wants to bring the...

Bitcoin Trading: BaFin includes Crypto capital

the Bitcoin exchanges and vendors that offer products to crypto-currencies, have it in Germany. So, the Finatex LTD from Aachen, Germany, fell...

Centralization: banks consider digital Fiat currencies

the Canada, Singapore and the United Kingdom are considering to work in the future with the Central Bank, Digital Currencies (CBDC). With...



New DNA Detector Identifies Amphibians in Water Samples

Revolutionizing Amphibian Conservation with New DNA DetectorIn a groundbreaking development to combat the alarming decline in amphibian populations, Swiss researchers have devised DNA detectors...

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