Bitcoin vs. Altcoins: What Coin is for retailers at the ‚usable ‚ most‘
Volatile or not, there is a growing public demand for retailers and businesses that accept payments in crypto-currency. According to a survey...
WEF: Blockchain could improve various spheres of the global economy
If the latest reports prove true, the Blockchain technology has the potential, in financial terms solid to the global trade industry. ...
Of positive regulations to the pyramid system: The crypto hearings of the U.S. Congress
18. July proved to be a crucial day for the crypto industry, as two separate hearings of the U.S. Congress were held,...
What is to be expected with the introduction of Ether-Futures?
Less than a year after the launch of the first Futures contract for Bitcoin, Ethereum could be the second crypto-currency that is...
Rate analysis, 6. October: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Bitcoin, Cash, EOS, Stellar, Litecoin, Cardano, Monero,...
The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of . Every...
Rate analysis, 27. October: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Bitcoin, Cash, EOS, Stellar, Litecoin, Cardano, Monero,...
The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of
Rate analysis, 22. October: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Bitcoin, Cash, EOS, Stellar, Litecoin, Cardano, Monero,...
The views and opinions listed here are solely those of the authors necessarily reflect the views of Cointelegraph. Each Investment and Trading...
The week in review 17. – 23. February: stock markets against crypto-currency markets
The views and opinions listed here are solely those of the authors necessarily reflect the views of . Each Investment and...
Week in review 10. – 16. February: stock markets against crypto-currency markets
The views and opinions listed here are solely those of the authors necessarily reflect the views of . Each Investment and...
The week in review 26. February – 2. March: stock markets against crypto-currency markets
The views and opinions listed here are solely those of the authors necessarily reflect the views of . Each Investment and...