The different types of biogas to obtain various kinds of support,
Biogas can play an important role in Sweden is to reach its climate goals. I propose, therefore, in the Biogasmarknadsutredningens final report...
One year of lower taxes for the rich
in 2000, it is the förmögnas of a century, and, in any case, so far. Since the turn of the millennium, with...
Offshore wind energy – green electricity, is set against protecting the environment and military...
in the Kriegers Flak is the name of a foundation, which is located 3 miles south of Trelleborg. It is a clear...
The debate between the prosecutors and the lawyers, giving the public the wrong image
In the course of the autumn, the prosecutor's office and lawyers, expressed criticism of each other. The criticism has been, in both...
The DN of the Debate. The recruitment of criminals should be punished more severely
No one should stand alone in the face of challenges. No matter if it is a question of tear in the well-being...
The government’s policy of delaying the ability to hit its climate change target
First, we would like to say that the alliance government during its eight years in power, the reduction of the Swedish emissions...
Skambeläggande is inhumane, and nothing for the climate movement
Skambeläggande of consumption, and the flight takes konsumtionsforskaren, Karin M Ekström, meritorious, and she is in a subtle way calls into question...
No, no, it would be wrong to återförstatliga the Telephone network,
the Debate on the digitisation of the uk, and the old ideas, and concerns that comes up again and again. The not-so-rarely...
The DN of the Debate. The crc will strengthen the rights of minors
The day of the crc in Swedish law. The united nations general assembly adopted the convention on the rights of the child...
Trump Trade agreement, signed January 15,
At a ”later date” will be The travel to Beijing, at which negotiations for phase 2 of the trade talks to begin,...