
Stuttgart – There has been a lot of excitement surrounding the Stuttgart opera „Sancta“ – and a lot of confusion from actress Annina Machaz (39), who appears as a naked Jesus in the scandalous performance. During the first two shows at the State Opera, 18 people complained of nausea to the visitor service after witnessing explicit sexual acts, real and fake blood, piercing procedures, and a wound on stage. In three cases, a doctor had to be called.

Actress Annina Machaz believes that reports of these medical emergencies are „greatly exaggerated.“ She mentioned in an interview with the Swiss portal „20 Minuten“ that people leaving the performance early often have more to do with circulatory problems or the age of the audience – many don’t drink enough water or are over 80 years old. With 1400 people in the audience, these things can happen: „I don’t think it’s fair to connect these incidents directly to the production itself.“

Opera director Viktor Schoner pointed out the outdated ventilation system in the hall to the „Stern“ magazine, saying, „We are prepared for it, and we have doctors present at every performance.“ He made a quirky comparison, saying, „If you go to a fair and ride a carousel, you might get dizzy.“

Annina Machaz is confident in the piece itself, saying in the interview: „I fully support what I do.“ On stage, she stands behind a nun to spank her naked buttocks. In another scene, she hangs like Adam from the ceiling. She has performed this piece many times before, and the coverage in the cultural sections was factual without such criticism. It was only when BILD-Zeitung wrote about it that it became a scandal. It’s hard to believe that the creators didn’t anticipate these reactions.

Machaz is proud of her work: „I did a lot of research for the role and was even praised by a priest for playing Jesus with charisma and sensitivity.“

Overall, the controversy surrounding the opera „Sancta“ in Stuttgart has brought to light the intersection of art, religion, and public opinion. While some see it as provocative or scandalous, others appreciate the artistic expression and dedication of the performers. It serves as a reminder that art is subjective and can evoke strong reactions from different audiences. The importance of open dialogue and understanding different perspectives in the arts is highlighted through this incident, sparking conversations about where the line between artistic freedom and societal norms should be drawn.